8 Exciting Technology Activities For Engaging Your Kids at Home

8 Exciting Technology Activities For Engaging Your Kids at Home


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    Keeping kids engaged and learning can sometimes feel like a puzzle.

    But what if I told you that the pieces of this puzzle could be fun, educational, and tech-savvy all at once?

    That's right!

    With a world of educational apps and technology at our fingertips, finding exciting technology activities for kids at home has never been easier.

    Educational technology opens up a universe of possibilities, whether it's building a robot, coding a game, or conducting science experiments.

    So, why not turn screen time into learning time?

    Let's explore how we can make the most of the digital age, ensuring our kids are not just entertained but are also soaking up valuable knowledge and skills.

    Why kids need to learn technology?

    In a world where technology is as common as textbooks used to be, it's no wonder that educational apps and digital tools are becoming vital components of learning.

    Research suggests that by 2030, 85% of the jobs that will exist haven't even been invented yet?

    Technology is impacting new job positions

    Image source: WE Forum

    This astonishing fact underscores the rapid pace at which our world is evolving, particularly in the technology sector.

    For our kids, or as we might call them, young students, mastering technology is not merely an edge — it's essential.

    Learning technology helps children develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a knack for creativity. It's about empowering them to navigate, innovate, and thrive in a future brimming with possibilities we can only begin to imagine.

    By integrating technology into their learning journey, we're not just teaching them how to use a tool — we're fostering a sense of curiosity and resilience, preparing them for a world where digital literacy is key.

    Upcoming job transitions/changes due to technology impact

    Image source: WE Forum

    So, let's make the digital age a playground for learning, where educational apps and tools are the swing sets and slides, helping our children develop into the innovators of tomorrow.

    #1 Building future-proof skills

    It's crucial for young students to gain future-proof skills. Through educational apps and practical technology use, children learn much more than just how to swipe and click.

    They're developing technological skills that will stand the test of time — coding, programming, and even language skills that will be invaluable in almost any job they might pursue.

    By integrating technology into their learning, we're not making sure they make the most of their time online. But even better, we're preparing them for a future where digital literacy is as fundamental as reading and writing.

    #2 Improving problem-solving skills

    Technology isn’t just about entertainment — it’s a challenge.

    When children use educational apps and digital tools, it's more than just passively soaking up info. They’re solving problems.

    Whether it’s cracking the next step in a coding puzzle or strategizing in a digital game, technology use boosts critical thinking and creativity.

    These experiences help young students build strong problem-solving skills, turning their online time into a fun, interactive workshop where every task, big or small, is a chance to learn and grow.

    #3 Encouraging creativity and imagination

    With the right educational apps, kids learn that the digital world is their canvas. These platforms offer endless possibilities for self-expression and creativity, from designing their own games to creating digital art.

    This exploration sharpens their technology skills and nurtures their imagination. When children start to see technology as a medium for creation, not just consumption, they unlock new ways to express themselves.

    This aspect of children's development is crucial for fostering innovative thinkers ready to tackle future challenges with creative solutions.

    #4 Improving academic performance

    Integrating technology in education has been proven to have a positive impact on children's academic performance. Educational apps can tailor learning experiences to individual needs, making it easier for kids to grasp complex concepts at their own pace.

    The interactive nature of technology makes learning more engaging, improving retention rates. As kids apply technological skills across various subjects, they build a solid foundation for future success in our digital world.

    #5 Promoting digital literacy

    Promoting digital literacy from an early age is key. As children start interacting with new technologies, they learn to navigate and critically assess online information.

    Educational apps play a significant role in this aspect of children's development, offering a controlled environment where they can learn the essentials of digital citizenship.

    This foundation in digital literacy ensures kids can safely and effectively use technology, preparing them for a future where digital skills are indispensable.

    How to be responsible when teaching kids how to use and live with technology

    It's vital for kids to learn responsible technology use from a young age.

    Technology can enhance learning, improve communication skills, and foster innovative problem-solving.

    Still, parents and educators need to guide this journey, ensuring screen time is about meaningful engagement, not just consumption.

    Teaching kids to navigate the digital world thoughtfully means setting boundaries, choosing content wisely, and involving family members in their digital activities. This approach fosters a healthy relationship with technology and encourages balanced development of skills and interests.

    Let's explore how to make technology a positive part of our children's lives by focusing on responsibility, creativity, and connection.

    Screen time management

    Successful screen time management is key to ensuring that technology has a positive, rather than negative, impact on children's development.

    It's not just about limiting hours but about making the time they spend online enriching. Activities that promote learning — such as educational games or YouTube Kids videos — can be beneficial for their working memory and overall cognitive development.

    By selecting digital resources carefully, parents can transform screen time from a passive activity into an interactive experience that supports learning.

    This way, kids enjoy the fun of technology while reaping its benefits, turning screen time into a valuable part of daily learning.

    Kids playing on their mobile phones

    Setting time limits

    Under parental supervision, setting time limits on screen use is crucial in balancing the digital and physical aspects of a child's life.

    By regulating the time spent in front of screens, we mitigate the negative impact excessive use can have, such as reduced physical activity and an increased risk of developing poor habits.

    Time limits also encourage children to make the most of their online sessions, prioritizing educational content and learning opportunities over passive consumption.

    Quality vs. quantity

    Without any doubt, the quality of content is far more important than the quantity of time spent online.

    High-quality digital resources can offer substantial learning benefits without the negative impacts associated with excessive use.

    Parental controls play a key role in guiding children towards content that enriches and educates, ensuring that time online is spent learning new skills and concepts.

    This approach fosters a healthier balance, where screen time is an earned privilege that complements physical activity and real-world interactions.

    Choosing educational content

    Choosing the right educational content for kids is all about turning that time into a valuable learning experience.

    Interactive games and apps not only help students learn in a fun and engaging way but also open up new worlds for them to explore.

    By providing children with content designed for classroom use and beyond, we ensure that their time spent playing video games is also time spent acquiring new knowledge and skills. This approach enriches their learning journey, making every click and swipe a step towards discovering something exciting.

    Let's find out how we can select the best educational content to enrich our children's digital experiences.

    Age-appropriate apps

    Choosing age-appropriate apps is key to navigating the digital world with your kids.

    For younger children, look for apps that focus on basic STEM learning and introductory computer science concepts to spark their interest in technology.

    For older children, on the other hand, more sophisticated apps can support learning in advanced subjects, blending play with education.

    These carefully chosen apps ensure kids are not only safe online but also engaged with content that's perfect for their age and learning level.

    Educational games for kids

    Educational games for kids blend fun and learning, helping them boost STEM skills, computer science knowledge, and social interactions through play. Designed for different age groups, these games make education enjoyable and accessible for all kids.

    Integrating educational games into their routine allows young children to explore complex concepts interactively, solidifying their understanding and fostering a love for learning.

    Encouraging parental involvement

    Choosing the right educational content is pivotal in ensuring that children learn effectively at every stage of their development. From a young age, integrating educational technology into their learning process can significantly enhance their understanding and retention of complex concepts.

    Tailoring content to fit children ages ensures that young learners are not only engaged but also challenged appropriately. This careful selection aids in developing crucial communication skills, promoting healthy interactions among family members, and supporting the overall trajectory of child development.

    By prioritizing content that resonates with their age and interests, we create a nurturing environment where technology acts as a bridge to knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking.

    Co-playing and co-learning

    Starting from a young age, blending educational technology with playtime can transform how kids approach learning. Imagine sitting down with your little one to play games that are not just fun but educational.

    Co-playing and co-learning foster an environment where technology use becomes a shared adventure, enriching early learning experiences.

    It's all about the laughter, the questions, and the high-fives.

    This approach encourages social interaction, vital for human development, making every tap and swipe a moment of connection and growth.

    So, grab a tablet, pick a game, and start learning together. It's a chance to see the digital world through their eyes and guide them through it, hand in hand.

    Monitoring and feedback

    Keeping an eye on our kids' online activities and guiding their tech use is about engagement, not just oversight. By monitoring their activities, we ensure they're safe while taking an active interest in their digital explorations.

    This doesn't mean hovering over them every second, but having open conversations about what they enjoy and what they're learning. Providing feedback on their progress and challenges encourages critical thinking about their online experiences.

    It's a balance of trust and guidance, where kids feel supported in their digital journey. The goal isn't to limit their exploration but to enrich it, turning every session into a chance for growth, learning, and meaningful social interactions.

    So, let's be their compass in the vast digital universe and help them navigate safely while they discover and learn.

    Best apps for kids to learn technology

    With technology woven into everyday life, finding the best learning apps for kids is more important than ever.

    With most research pointing towards the significant benefits of integrating technology into children's learning, the right apps can make all the difference. From electronic storybooks that ignite a love for reading to games that introduce young children to computational thinking, the landscape is vast and varied.

    However, navigating this landscape comes with its challenges.

    Parents must sift through countless options, keeping an eye out for apps that truly contribute to learning without hidden costs like in-app purchases.

    By choosing wisely, we can ensure that our children are not only entertained — but are also building the foundations for critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.

    Best coding apps for kids

    As technology continues to weave its way into every aspect of our lives, the importance of introducing it to young people cannot be overstated.

    More students are getting a head start on understanding the digital world, and the time children spend learning technology can be as crucial as learning a foreign language.

    Among the plethora of options available, finding the right apps without in-app purchases, which genuinely enhance learning for young children, is key.

    This is where coding apps like ScratchJr and Tynker come into play. These platforms are not just about dragging and dropping blocks of code; they are gateways to computational thinking, problem-solving, and creative expression.

    As we dive deeper into the features and benefits of ScratchJr and Tynker, we'll explore how these apps stand out in fostering a love for technology and coding, making them ideal for the next generation of digital natives.


    ScratchJr is a pioneering app designed to introduce young children, especially those between the ages of 5 to 7, to the world of coding.

    By allowing them to create their own interactive stories and games, ScratchJr serves as a valuable tool for early learning in technology, akin to acquiring a foreign language in today's digital age.

    ScratchJr educational coding app for kids
    Image source: Google Play
    The app boasts user-friendly features such as a Paint Editor, Voice Recorder, Sound Effects, and simple Graphical Programming Blocks, making technology engaging and accessible.

    These elements not only cater to the time children spend learning — but also enhance their creativity and problem-solving skills.

    ScratchJr coding app for kids
    Image source: Google Play

    ScratchJr is beneficial for kids as it:

    • lays a foundational understanding of coding concepts through play

    • promotes cognitive development

    • encourages an interest in STEM fields from an early age

    As technology continues to evolve, providing children with such tools is crucial for their future success in a digitally driven world.

    Available on both Apple and Android devices, ScratchJr offers a free, versatile platform for introducing children to the basics of programming.

    ScratchJr coding app for kids
    Image source: Google Play


    Tynker is a comprehensive platform designed to introduce children to the world of coding through interactive learning and game-based activities.

    Its approach to coding education starts with block-based coding for beginners, gradually moving towards more advanced programming languages. This makes it ideal for early learning in technology.

    Tynker coding app for young children
    Image source: Tynker

    The platform is packed with features that cater to various aspects of coding education. It includes access to courses ranging from game design to web development, fostering both technical skills and social skills through collaborative projects.

    Tynker's engaging curriculum is structured to adapt to the learner's pace. This help ensure personalized learning experiences that fit into children's lives seamlessly.

    Tynker - coding app for kids
    Image source: Tynker

    One of the key benefits of Tynker for kids is its emphasis on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills alongside coding knowledge.

    It prepares more students for future academic and career opportunities in technology by making learning fun and accessible. Additionally, Tynker promotes digital literacy, a crucial skill in today's digital world.

    Tynker is available across multiple platforms, including web and mobile, making it easily accessible for students everywhere.

    Whether at home or in the classroom, Tynker provides valuable resources for children to explore and learn coding. Without doubt, it's a vital tool in the landscape of educational technology.

    Science and engineering apps for kids

    Stepping into the realm of science and engineering through apps offers a thrilling opportunity for young minds to connect with the wonders of the universe.

    With today's technology, educational tools have evolved far beyond the static content of CD-ROM storybooks, offering interactive experiences that enhance children's learning.

    Apps like the NASA app and Monster Physics are set to guide children through engaging adventures in space exploration and the fundamentals of physics, respectively.

    Through these apps, kids are encouraged to engage in social interaction, fostering both collaborative learning and individual discovery in the fascinating world of science and engineering.

    NASA app

    So, what's the NASA app all about? Imagine having a mini space station right in your pocket! ,

    This app is like a gateway to the universe, packed with NASA TV, stunning 4K videos, podcasts, and even some cool augmented reality (AR) stuff.

    It's designed to be super user-friendly, so sharing the wonders of space with friends is just a tap away. It's not just about stargazing; it's a whole universe of NASA's missions and discoveries, made simple for everyone to explore.

    NASA mobile app - educational app for kids

    Image source: Google Play

    And what's in it for the kids? Well, think of it as a high-tech playground where young children can get up close with the stars, planets, and the International Space Station (ISS) from their backyard.

    This app uses technology to make learning about space fun and interactive. Kids can track the ISS, dive into 3D space missions, and get alerts about when to spot the ISS zooming across the sky.

    It's a brilliant way to spark curiosity and inspire a love for science and technology in children.

    NASA mobile app - educational app for kids

    Image source: Google Play


    Where can you find this cosmic tool? The NASA app is available for free on just about any device - smartphones, tablets, and even on streaming platforms.

    It doesn't matter if you're team Android or iOS; this app is ready to bring the universe to your fingertips. With no hidden costs and a treasure trove of information, it's the perfect tool for educators, parents, and anyone keen on using technology to ignite a passion for learning in children.

    So, why not take advantage of this fantastic use of technology and embark on a space adventure with the young explorers in your life?

    Monster Physics

    Ever came across Monster Physics? It's an exciting kids app that turns your iPad into a playground of physics experiments.

    Kids get to build machines, solve puzzles, and even create their own monsters! It's all about learning physics in a way that's way more fun than a textbook.

    Monster Physics - educational mobile game for kids

    Image source: KinderTown

    What can you do in the app? Start off with a tutorial that walks you through the physics concepts you'll use. Then, dive into 50 missions where you'll need to think like an engineer, using over 60 different parts to solve problems.

    Not in the mood for a challenge? Head over to the "Build" area where you can invent whatever you want, choosing your scenery and gravity levels. Plus, you get to design your own monsters to star in your missions!

    Why is it awesome for kids? Because it's hands-on learning at its best. Young children get to play with concepts like gravity and motion in a way that's totally interactive.

    They're not just learning — they're inventing, solving, and having a blast. It's the kind of app that makes kids forget they're actually learning something because they're too busy having fun.

    It's a brilliant tool for parents and educators looking to introduce kids to science and engineering in a way that feels more like play than education.

    Math and logic apps for kids

    Exploring math and logic with kids can be a fun adventure, thanks to innovative apps like Dragonbox and Lightbot. These apps, crafted with technology at their core, are designed to turn complex concepts into playful challenges that children can enjoy.

    They serve as a bridge between learning and fun, ensuring that children engage deeply with mathematics and logical thinking without even realizing they're learning.

    By incorporating these apps into their routine, kids can sharpen their skills, laying a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical and logical concepts.

    Ready to dive into a world where numbers and logic open the door to endless possibilities? Let's see how Dragonbox and Lightbot can make a difference in children's educational journeys.


    DragonBox is a revolutionary app that uses technology to teach children the magic of mathematics through games. By turning complex algebra and geometry concepts into fun puzzles, DragonBox makes learning math a thrilling adventure.

    DragonBox, a kids educational game

    Image source: Kahoot

    The app boasts a variety of features designed to engage young minds. From interactive challenges that adapt to a child's learning pace to instant feedback and hints, DragonBox turns abstract math concepts into visual and tangible tasks.

    Children can explore over 200 puzzles that cover everything from basic addition to complex algebra without even realizing they're doing "math."

    Why is DragonBox a game-changer for kids? It demystifies mathematics, a subject often feared and misunderstood, by integrating it into a captivating game environment.

    This approach encourages children to embrace math, enhancing their problem-solving skills and boosting their confidence in handling mathematical challenges.

    DragonBox is widely available on various platforms, including iOS, Android, and Amazon app stores.


    Lightbot is an innovative app that introduces children to the basics of programming through a fun and interactive game.

    Using technology to simplify complex concepts, Lightbot challenges kids to solve puzzles by controlling a robot with commands that mimic real programming logic.

    The app is packed with features that make learning engaging and accessible. With a series of levels that gradually increase in difficulty, children learn about sequences, loops, and conditionals in a way that feels like play.

    Lightbox - educational app for kids to learn coding

    Image source: Aptoide

    The intuitive interface and clear instructions guide young users through each puzzle, providing a solid foundation in computational thinking without overwhelming them.

    Why is Lightbot beneficial for kids? It turns the abstract idea of coding into a tangible and enjoyable experience. By solving puzzles, children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, laying the groundwork for future success in technology and computer science fields.

    Lightbot is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and web browsers, making it easy for children everywhere to access this educational tool.

    8 engaging technology activities for kids

    These aren't your average screen-time sessions — they're adventures in learning, creating, and imagining.

    Whether your little ones are interested in crafting their first robot or designing a video game from scratch, we've got the perfect lineup to keep their minds buzzing with excitement.

    DIY projects

    Embarking on DIY projects like building Wheelson, a DIY robot car, and Spencer, your very own AI-powered voice assistant opens up a world of creativity and innovation for children.

    These projects not only introduce kids to the exciting possibilities within technology — but also highlight the importance of hands-on learning.

    DIY activities are crucial for developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deepened understanding of how technology shapes our world. Dive into these projects and watch as children transform into young inventors, ready to explore and create with technology at their fingertips.

    Build a DIY robot car (Wheelson)

    Meet Wheelson, your child's next adventure into the world of technology!

    This DIY robot car project is not just a toy; it's a hands-on journey into the heart of creativity and engineering for child dren. Imagine the pride on their faces as they bring Wheelson to life, learning valuable tech skills along the way.

    • Build from scratch: Kids get to assemble their own robot car, learning about electronics and mechanics along the way.

    • Learn to code: Wheelson introduces coding in a fun and engaging way, allowing kids to control how it moves, lights up, and interacts with its environment.

    • Computer vision: Comes equipped with a camera that provides Wheelson with video feedback, making it a blast to navigate through obstacle courses.


    Kid playing with Wheelson - educational DIY AI robot car

    Build your AI-powered voice assistant (Spencer)

    Get ready to meet Spencer, your child's new quirky buddy and a DIY voice assistant that's all fun and games — and learning, of course! This clever little gadget is a playground of technology, waiting for curious hands to piece it together.

    • Colorful personality: With its cheerful LED lights and cute sound effects, Spencer lights up any room with laughter.

    • Smart and educational: Through building and programming, kids dive into the cool world of AI, making tech concepts a thrilling adventure.

    • Always ready to play: Find Spencer as part of a STEM kit, eager to start the fun from CircuitMess


    Kid playing with Spencer - A DIY voice assistant for kids

    Coding projects

    Diving into coding projects is like unlocking a secret door for children, leading them into the vast universe of technology.

    These projects are not just about writing lines of code; they're about solving puzzles, thinking creatively, and understanding the digital world around us.

    Coding teaches kids logical thinking, patience, and the joy of seeing their ideas come to life. It's an essential skill in today's tech-driven world, preparing them for countless opportunities ahead.

    Coding a story

    Jump into the magical world where coding meets creativity! "Coding a Story" allows children to weave their own narratives into interactive tales, blending technology with art.

    It's not just coding; it's storytelling in a digital age, empowering kids to bring their imaginations to life through programming.

    Kids learning to code with "Coding a story"
    Image source: Coding a Story

    Simple game development

    Start a thrilling journey into game creation with simple game development. This project introduces children to the basics of designing their very own video games.

    And with platforms like the previously mentioned Scratch, this journey becomes not only accessible but also an exhilarating exploration of creativity and technology combined.

    The video below is a great introduction to coding a game — and there's an entire series on YouTube with more than a dozen connected tutorials! 

    It's a fun way to learn coding, problem-solving, and design, turning young gamers into creators and explorers of their virtual worlds.

    Science experiments

    Science experiments are like magic tricks where kids are the magicians. They're not just fun; they're a sneak peek into how the world works, sparking curiosity and teaching critical thinking.

    Through experimenting, kids learn to question, observe, and make sense of the world around them!

    DIY weather station

    Ready to turn your curious kids into budding meteorologists? This DIY weather station project is perfect for young scientists eager to learn about the weather using simple tools made from household items.

    From tracking rain with a homemade gauge to observing wind direction with a crafted vane, it's a hands-on way to explore the elements and make daily weather observations an exciting part of their routine!

    This DIY weather station includes 5 main tools:

    • a weather vane

    • anemometer

    • rain gauge

    • thermometer

    • a weather chart

    Weather vane: This nifty gadget tells you where the wind's coming from, which can clue you in on whether to grab a sweater or sunglasses. Just craft it from a cup and some straws, and you've got your own wind direction detective!

    Anemometer: Ever wonder how fast the wind is blowing? With cups and straws, you can make an anemometer to measure wind speed. It's like having your own mini wind turbine that counts how breezy it is!

    Rain gauge: This tool is all about catching raindrops. By cutting the top off a plastic bottle and adding some pebbles, you can measure how much rain falls, making puddle-jumping even more fun with science on your side.

    Thermometer: Want to know if it's hot enough for ice cream? Mix water, rubbing alcohol, and a bit of food coloring in a bottle with a straw to see if the temperature's rising or if it's sweater weather.

    Weather chart: Keep track of sunny days or cloud cover with your own weather chart. It's a creative way to visualize the weather patterns, turning you into a mini meteorologist with just paper and markers!

    Find complete instructions and detailed descriptions of the tools in this incredibly useful guide!

    And if you're looking for a video tutorial on how to do this with simple tools you already have at home, this video below is for you. 

    DIY music machine (Synthia)

    Gear up to welcome Synthia, your new DIY digital music sampler that's set to revolutionize your sound experiments!

    Synthia is more than just a musical gadget; it's a creative hub waiting for you to unlock its potential. With a mix of beats, sequences, and the magic of synthesis at your fingertips, it's designed for both aspiring musicians and those who love to experiment.

    Get ready for endless creativity and musical exploration with Synthia, where every session is an adventure in sound.

    Kids assembling their DIY music machine


    Right from the box, you get everything to start: a primary circuit board, a mix of electronic bits like a speaker, pushbuttons, and sliders, plus every tool needed for putting it all together.


    Synthia is your all-in-one package for crafting unique sounds, equipped to let you record, mix, and drum up your own beats.

    Ready to be the DJ of your dreams? Give Synthia a spin and see where your creativity takes you!

    Enhance learning with CircuitMess STEM kits

    Supercharge your child's learning with CircuitMess STEM kits! These kits are not just toys; they're a ticket to hands-on education in electronics, coding, and technology.

    Each kit is a fun, engaging way to introduce complex concepts, making them an amazing choice for sparking curiosity and fostering a love of learning.

    Ready to give your kids the tools they need to become the innovators of tomorrow?

    The educational advantage

    CircuitMess STEM kits pack a punch of fun and education, offering a unique blend of learning experiences for kids:

    • Hands-on fun: Kids get to build gadgets from scratch, turning abstract concepts into tangible creations.

    • STEM skills: Each project is a lesson in science, technology, engineering, and math, preparing kids for the future in a playful way.

    • Problem-solving: Tackling assembly and coding challenges boosts critical thinking and resilience.

    • Creativity boost: Designing and customizing their projects encourages imaginative thinking.

    Transform your kids’ education with educational DIY electronics kits

    Imagine your child not just playing with tech but actually creating it. That's what our DIY electronics kits offer—a hands-on approach to learning that's as fun as it is educational.

    These kits aren't just another classroom tool; they're the bridge to understanding and innovating in the tech-driven world around us. And the best part?

    You're right there with them, watching their confidence grow as they build and learn. Ready to empower your future innovator?

    Check out our kits and let's start this transformative journey together.