Something new coming up soon!

Albert Gajšak
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Something new is cooking here at CircuitMess HQ!
Stay tuned, we'll release more details soon.
Keep making!
- the MAKERbuino gang
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Read stories how our founder Albert turned his childhood passion into CircuitMess, and get exciting DIY project ideas you can do with your kids at home for free.
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Kids Are Making Friends with Robots (And You Can Too!)
You've probably seen Ron's Gone Wrong. If you haven't, then you absolutely should. Without spoilers, the basic storyline...

Want to Be a Superhero? Here's How Science Gives You Powers
Ever watched a superhero movie and wished you could soar through the sky like Superman or disappear in the blink of an e...

How to turn screen time into a home coding school for kids
We've all been there - the glazed-over eyes, the endless scrolling... it's the dreaded "screen time zombie" mode. Passiv...