You can download the schematics for our latest STEM Box product here

You can download the schematics for our latest STEM Box product here


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    2 minute read

    You get a schematic, you get a schematic, everybody gets a schematic!

    > You can download Spencer’s schematics here. <

    Spencer is our latest product from the STEM Box series, you can learn more about it here.

    If you do not know how to read schematics like these, don’t worry, we’ll start slow with Spencer’s build tutorial when you get your first STEM Box.

    We do however already have a schematics reading guide on our page here.

    What do you open-source and why?

    Great question.

    Our products’ software is completely open-source and available on our GitHub.

    Our products’ hardware is open-source to a certain extent.

    We open-source everything except the files that will allow for blatant copying of our products.

    For example, we open-source the schematics of our products, but we do not want to share the Gerber files of our PCBs since a bunch of unlicensed clones will pop-out on eBay and I do not find such market practices fair.

    If you want to see how Spencer works, look at its schematics.

    if you want to copy it, at least put some effort into it and draw your own PCB. By the time you’re finished, you’ll make your own unique device, well done, you’ve made something original :)

    Stay put for future updates.

    - Albert and the circuit-crew

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