Let's give Artemis a crazy look!

Now, we'll put the casings on Artemis. 

But don't turn off your soldering iron just yet; we'll need it again.

 Firstly, take all of the acrylic casings that look like this. 
There should be eight of them: 

Make sure to remove the acrylic parts' protective layers: 

Don't forget the other side: 

It's time to give those parts the crazy look with the stickers you got in the kit: 

Take a close look at this photo and make sure that this is the way you placed the stickers on the acrylic parts: 

If everything looks like on the photo above, take the wires and the LEDs

Now, we need your full attention!

 Take one LED and one of the acrylic parts and do this: 

As you can see, one of the LED's legs is longer than the other. The length represents polarity. The longer leg (+) is positive, while the shorter leg (-) is negative. 

Make sure the red wire is soldered on the longer leg and the other side of the red wire is soldered on the PCB's plus sign. 

To begin, solder all of the LEDs and wires together.

 Make sure not to place the tip of the soldering iron directly on the acrylic part because it will start melting. 

The best way to do it is  to attach the tip of the wire to one of the LED legs (preferably closer to the acrylic part) and begin soldering on that connection.

You only need a small amount of solder to connect them. 

This is what you should have once you solder all the wires and LEDs together. 

Now is the time to connect the other end of the wire to the PCB. 

As mentioned previously, the red part of the wire (the one connected to the longer LED leg) goes to the plus sign

Put the wire on the silver part and start soldering. 
You don't need to use a lot of solder. Just enough to connect the wire.

Let it cool for 2 seconds after applying solder to ensure that everything is linked and nothing is falling off. 

Check it by gently pulling the wire. 

Now, take the pliers and cut the rest of the legs of the LED. 

Make sure to turn it away from your eyes. 

When you connect all of the wires and LEDs to the board, your Artemis should look like this. 

Take the black bolts now and the little black spacers. 

Put the bolts through the acrylic part and the PCB like this: 

Take the spacer and fasten it with your fingers on the back side: 

This is what it should look like: 

Repeat the step for all acrylic parts:

One thing that's missing is the battery holder

Take these components: 

Put the metal screws through the battery holder like this:

Add the spacer at the back and fasten it with your fingers:

What your battery holder should look like: 

This is how you need to put the battery holder on the PCB:

Connect the battery holder to the connector: 

Add the spacers on the front:

And, finally put the batteries in:

Make sure you put them on the right side (check the + and - signs).


 Turn on Artemis and see whether the LEDs light up in a circle one by one.

 If they are, you did a good job! 
If some of the LEDs (or none of them) are not lightning up, check the soldering joints or contact us at contact@circuitmess.com and we'll help you.

 The final step is to make the stand for your Artemis. 

For that, you'll need these parts: 

Firstly, remove the protective foil from both sides of the acrylic parts: 

This is what the components should look like. They need to be completely transparent: 

Take one of the black bolts and place it like this: 

Add one of the long spacers and fasten it with your fingers: 

Repeat the process for the second bolt and spacer: 

Connect it with the other acrylic part and fasten the bolts with the long spacers: 

Put Artemis on the stand like this: 

Don't worry if you need to use a bit of strength to put it on the stand, that's normal. 

If everything is working and Artemis is on its stand, you successfully completed this guide!
