Let's text

Last but not least, we'll check out what we can do in the Inbox!

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If you have a text history with your friend, you'll see a thread immediately. 

If that's not the case, you'll be able to start a chat with your newly-added friend.

Once you start chatting, it looks like this:

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As you can see, there is a filled and unfilled circle next to the message. The filled one means the text was delivered, and the unfilled one means that the text was not delivered.

If the text was not delivered, it's probably because the other Chatter is too far away or turned off.

However, you can fix that by clicking on the undelivered message and choosing the "Resend message" option!

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As you can see in the photo, there is also an option for deleting the text.

We resent our undelivered message, and now our chat looks like this:

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And the last thing we want to explain to you is how to add memes to chat.

Do you see the last button in the last row? The one with the smiley face?

Click on it (but make sure to hold the button pressed for a few seconds). 

Now you should see a secret meme stash in front of you.

Enjoy using them!

You should be all set now!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at contact@circuitmess.com, and we'll make sure to help out as soon as possible.

Now that you know how to use your Chatters, the next step is to program some custom functions.  

You can find the coding guide here.

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