Mr. Bee Guide ENG
What's in the box?
- PCB;
- Screwdriver;
- Coin battery;
- Acrylic casings;
- LEDs;
- Plastic bolts;
- Plastic standoffs.
To get a bunch of smaller casings
from the kit, you’ll need to break
one large acrylic piece.
But please, be super careful when
doing this to make sure you don’t
damage the parts you need.
After breaking it, you’ll end up with four separate pieces
of acrylic casings. If you find there’s any excess acyrlic in
the holes of the casings, just gently push it out.
Remove the protective foil from both sides of the casings now.
Your casings should be all nice and transparent now.
Now, let’s dive into the
exciting assembly part!
Now, take the casings shaped like wings and an oval one.
Place the wings on the table, on it put the PCB with the bottom
facing you, and the oval casing under the battery holder.
Next, grab two bolts and two standoffs.
Grab one of the bolts and put it in from the top side of Mr. Bee.
From the bottom, secure the bolt with one of the standoffs.
Repeat this step for the second bolt and standoff.
Now, let’s get those other casings ready for Mr. Bee’s legs.
These tiny cut-offs on
the board are made for
fitting the casings inside.
One of them goes to
the bottom part of
Mr. Bee’s body.
The other one goes above the wings, creating the upper part.
Insert the battery, making sure the + sign is facing up.
Now, grab one of the LEDs and place it between the wings and the legs.
Pay attention to the polarity of the LEDs as you connect them.
Look for the rounded part (that’s the plus side) and the cut-
off part (that’s the minus side) marked on the LED.
If you flip Mr. Bee around, you’ll notice the + and - signs next
to each connector. Those represent the polarity.

For some extra fun, you can connect Mr. Bee to the Bit gaming console
(Bit sold separately), and the LED will light up to create a cool effect.
If, by any chance, the LED doesn’t light up, no worries
– just remove it and place it on the opposite side.
We hope you had a blast putting together Mr. Bee
and picked up some new skills along the way.
And here’s a bonus:
Connect Mr. Bee to the
CircuitMess BIT, and you’ll
unlock a whole new world
of exciting games!
*BIT is sold separately