11-year-old Addicted to Phone - What Should You Do?

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You noticed long ago that your kid is on the phone all day, and you feel like you can't do anything about it.
Your kid looks at his phone non-stop, plays video games, and hangs out onTikTok.
The logical question is: Is your child addicted to the phone, and what to do about it?
We can tell you right away that it is best to replace any addiction with healthy habits.
If those habits encourage creativity and curiosity and overall have a good effect on your child's development, it's a perfect combination.
Are you already wondering how this is possible and interested in our story?
Let us introduce you to the magical world of STEM and CircuitMess.
In our world, learning is fun, and your kid can be part of it too.
Is Your Kid Addicted to The Smartphone?
Let's first address how serious your situation is.
We know the word addicted may sound too serious since everyone is on their phones these days, but let's look at some numbers.
According to our statistics, screen time dominates kids' play with an incredible 18.6 hours per week.
As for children of your kid age (11-14 years old), those kids usually spend 9 hours daily on the phone.
Some recommended maximum phone time for that age group would be 2 hours daily.
When you hear these numbers, you certainly don't feel comfortable because you
know that it is an impossible mission for your child to be on a smartphone for only 2 hours a day.
As much as smartphones are a part of our lives (we often feel like they are an
additional part of our bodies), they certainly have some negative consequences,
especially for children in their developing years.
Here are some side effects of excessive smartphone use in children:
• Behavioral problems
• Sleep disturbances
• Social isolation
• Nervousness and anxiety (especially when the phone is not next to them)
• Obesity
• Losing interest in any activity that doesn't include a smartphone
What Should You Do?
You do not want your child to develop these symptoms, or you even recognize some of them in your child's behavior.
Of course, like any good dad who wants only the best for his kid, you want to change that.
You want to spend quality time with your child without him always looking at his
And you also want him to enjoy more activities that don't involve a phone.
The first thing that comes to your mind is to take away the child's phone and forbid its use.
But we'll tell you right away that it's a bad idea unless in the most extreme cases.
Punishing a child for using a smartphone does not lead to any solution.
As your child enters those rebellious teenage years, punishment can lead to counter effects.
Hey, just remember how you wanted to do the opposite of what your parents made you do.
Smartphones should serve neither as a punishment nor as a reward.
First of all, all children use phones; we cannot deny that.
Let's be honest; you also spend too much time checking every notification on your smartphone.
Isn't it hypocritical to ask your child not to do it when you are already doing it?
Finding alternative ways to distract your child from the phone is the best strategy.
Here's what you should do:
• Be a good role model - if you are on the phone non-stop, how can you
expect anything else from him.
• Find creative ways to spend time together - your child may now be an
angry teenager who just wants to be in his room, but that doesn't mean you
can't spend quality time together.
• Bond with your child - commitments and busy life doesn't leave much time
for too many activities, but it's essential to find time to bond with your child.
How to Use Technology to Your Advantage?

What if we told you we have a solution for all of the above.
That solution is technology.
You're probably thinking that modern technology is to blame for your child's
smartphone addiction, but we're here to prove otherwise.
The first piece of advice we have to give you is not to be a "technology is bad"
Don't be an old man yelling at the cloud like Abe Simpson, who keeps saying, "Back in my days."
Technology is awesome. It moves the world, brings innovation, and improves our lives.
Just because the pinnacle of technology was the Ps One or Nintendo 64 when you were the same age as your kid now doesn't mean things shouldn't change.
His generation now likes completely different things, which is legitimate, just like you don't like things like your parents.
In addition to following technological trends, you must follow what's cool right now among the younger population to show them that you care.
Children grow up with technology and have a completely different perception.
Technology advances, and what is strange to one generation is entirely normal to the next.
If you remain ignorant, don't expect the problem to be solved.
Ok, we've established that technology isn't bad, and you shouldn't hate it; now what?
Now it remains for us to use it in solving your problem, how to finally get your 11-year-old to reduce the use of smartphones.
Let's introduce you to STEM.
What is STEM, and Why is it So Important?
You've probably heard that term, but let's explain it better. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math.
You must think, those are all school subjects, that's right, but STEM is so much more
than that.
It is a whole way of thinking that develops through these activities.
That way of thinking that is adopted through STEM includes the possibility of
experimenting, analyzing, and applying everything learned.
STEM is not just about strictly scientific work; the point is to develop those skills and apply them in practical life.
We can safely say that STEM drives the whole world around us.
The only thing left is explaining it to your kid, who is more interested in watching TikToks all day.
How Can CircuitMess Help You?

Are you ready for some creative chaos in your life?
We have explained the importance of STEM, but the only thing left is to package it in a product that will interest children.You know how kids are.
They usually aren't too excited when math or science is mentioned to them.
And your kid is a teenager who is constantly on social media. He'll probably say it's boring, lame, and nerdy.
We are here to prove that technology is not and will never be lame.
Stem Box for ages 11+ is our product that perfectly fits your needs.
This package contains everything you need to encourage your child's creativity.
Electronics and coding but in a fan and exciting way.
Autonomous cars, machine learning, coding, AI robots...you name it!
We know that phones have all sorts of cool apps, but when your child makes
something from scratch, it will give him greater satisfaction than when everything is done for him in advance.
Don't be surprised if your kid applies his newfound knowledge and assembles and disassembles smartphones.
Your kid can maybe even invent some new cool app.
That's better than mindlessly scrolling through social media, right?
What Are The Benefits of This Approach to Learning?
The main benefit is that your kid will not even have the feeling of learning because he will learn through play.
Know that STEM education encourages children to feel more confident and to step out of their comfort zone.
Also, STEM education improves academic performance and mental abilities, thus preparing children for further education and life.
The creativity that occurs through the assembly of our products also triggers new interests in children.
And we all know that the world always needs creative people.
Completing a STEM project gives a feeling of excitement, but it also makes it easier to solve real-life problems in the future.
And as for you, this is a great way to spend time with your child.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
STEM encourages teamwork and teaches the child how to get used to working with others.
So that in addition to your child doing something useful for his development, you also spend quality time with him. A perfect combination!
The only drawback of our products is that dads also like to play too much.
Have you seen our upcoming CircuitMess Batmobile?
Batman is always cool. For you as a longtime fan and your kid who is just getting to know how awesome the dark knight is.
So assemble the Batmobile together with your kid and be superheroes together.
How to Get The STEM Box?
For you and your child to become part of the STEM Box community, you can check out our subscription offer here.
Choose your plan, and be surprised with a new and amazing STEM project every three months.
And as for that phone addiction, we believe it will be a part of the past.
There are new and much healthier habits now.
Sign up for a 10% off your first purchase
Read stories how our founder Albert turned his childhood passion into CircuitMess, and get exciting DIY project ideas you can do with your kids at home for free.
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