ByteBoi from 2016 is calling and he wants his tech specs back

ByteBoi from 2016 is calling and he wants his tech specs back


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    CircuitMess started with a Kickstarter campaign for MAKERbuino back in 2017.

    MAKERbuino is a DIY game console that taught people electronics and programming in a fun and exciting way.

    ByteBoi does everything that MAKERbuino did, just faster and better!

    A lot has changed since 2017, and ByteBoi is an excellent manifesto of all of the improvements that happened to CircuitMess (we grew from 1 to 15 people in just three years).

    But the path from the prototype to a commercial device like ByteBoi is longer than you probably imagined.

    It all started with this first prototype in 2014:

    In 2015 I decided to learn how to draw PCBs, and the first one I've made was this one for MAKERbuino:

    Fast forward four years and this was the first drawing for ByteBoi:

    And the first PCB that worked came to our workshop from a PCB factory six months after that drawing:

    I hope you find this content interesting. You keep reading, and I'll keep writing!

    - Albert and the crew

    P.S. I wanted to share with you some fresh projects from exciting creators who could use your support.

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