Downloading and installation of Arduino IDE

Downloading and installation of Arduino IDE

First things first, you’ll need to download some on your computer.

You’re looking for something called Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Just go to and select “Software” from the menu at the top of the page.

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Now, you’ll have to select the software version depending on your rig’s operating system.

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After the download has finished, install the IDE to a location of your choice.

Start the Arduino IDE and you’ll see something similar to this:

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Now you’re almost ready to develop something for the MAKERbuino.

The last thing missing is the Gamebuino library. To get the library just select Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries…

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Type “Gamebuino classic” into the search bar, select the Gamebuino Classic library and hit install.

You need to restart the Arduino IDE after the installation has finished. Otherwise, the library won’t show up.

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To check whether the library was installed properly, you’ll have to select File -> Examples -> Gamebuino -> 1.Basics -> a_Hello.

You may need to scroll down a little bit since the custom library examples are at the bottom of the list.

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If you’ve chosen the right thing, you should now see the following source code:

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The last thing to do is to choose the hardware we’re using so that the Arduino IDE knows how to compile the code correctly.

This is done by selecting Tools -> Board -> Arduino/Genuino Uno. We need this Board because the MAKERbuino uses the same Microprocessor as the Arduino/Genuino Uno does.

We need to select this exact board because the MAKERbuino uses the same Microprocessor as the Arduino/Genuino Uno does.

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And that’s it, you’re ready to roll! Let’s try out whether the “a_Hello” example works on the MAKERbuino.

We can test this program in three different ways:
  • Upload it to the MAKERbuino via the included RS232-to-USB converter board
  • Export and copy the HEX-file to your MAKERbuino’s SD-Card
  • Use a MAKERbuino emulator on your computer