Typing tutorial
Remember when mobile phone keyboards used to look like this?

That was the standard more than 10 years ago and it was considered the most effective keyboard type. A similar layout can also be found on the CircuitMess Ringo, so we prepared a little guide to help you get used to it!
If you used these back in the day it will take you only a couple of minutes to remember how everything works and you will be ready to go in no time.
On the other hand, if you’ve never had experience with this layout it will take some getting used to before you master it.
Either way, we recommend going through the guide, so let’s get started!
Getting started
Buttons on Ringo are a little bit too small to include letters below the numbers that indicate which number prints which character on the screen.
That’s why we added a HELP window that you can access anytime you’re inputting a text on the phone. It shows all the characters (letters, punctuations, etc.) that you can write and a button they are assigned to. It will definitely be helpful when looking for characters that you don’t use very often.
Each button represents a set of different characters and functions. It’s all located in an array. When you press the button once, it prints out the first character in that array.
If you press it again within a small time interval (approx. 350ms), it will change that character to the second one in that array and so on.
When it comes to the last position in the array and you again press the same button, it returns the very first character in that array.
That means that the character selection is cyclic.

That means that the character selection is cyclic.
If you don’t press the same button fast enough, the selected character will be permanently written and you will begin a new character selection, again starting from the first one in the array.
If you press any other button within any time interval, it will immediately print out the currently selected character (assuming that you are in a different button’s array).
Then it will start a selection in its own array and you will again be able to switch between the characters by fast pressing that exact same button.
Here is a full list of characters by arrays they are assigned to:

If you hold the number 0, a ‘+’ sign will appear instead.

Typing tutorial
Remember when mobile phone keyboards used to look like this?

That was the standard more than 10 years ago and it was considered the most effective keyboard type. A similar layout can also be found on the CircuitMess Ringo, so we prepared a little guide to help you get used to it!
If you used these back in the day it will take you only a couple of minutes to remember how everything works and you will be ready to go in no time.
On the other hand, if you’ve never had experience with this layout it will take some getting used to before you master it.
Either way, we recommend going through the guide, so let’s get started!
Getting started
Buttons on Ringo are a little bit too small to include letters below the numbers that indicate which number prints which character on the screen.
That’s why we added a HELP window that you can access anytime you’re inputting a text on the phone. It shows all the characters (letters, punctuations, etc.) that you can write and a button they are assigned to. It will definitely be helpful when looking for characters that you don’t use very often.

Each button represents a set of different characters and functions. It’s all located in an array. When you press the button once, it prints out the first character in that array.
If you press it again within a small time interval (approx. 350ms), it will change that character to the second one in that array and so on.
When it comes to the last position in the array and you again press the same button, it returns the very first character in that array.
That means that the character selection is cyclic.
If you don’t press the same button fast enough, the selected character will be permanently written and you will begin a new character selection, again starting from the first one in the array.
If you press any other button within any time interval, it will immediately print out the currently selected character (assuming that you are in a different button’s array).
Then it will start a selection in its own array and you will again be able to switch between the characters by fast pressing that exact same button.
Here is a full list of characters by arrays they are assigned to:

One more important function of the buttons is the long press.
If you hold down any number between 1 and 9 a little bit longer (approx. one second), a number will immediately appear and you won’t enter the character array selection.
If you hold the number 0, a ‘+’ sign will appear instead.

Pressing the # button once will make all the letters in the future appear in UPPER CASE. Pressing the same button once again will start writing letters back in lower case.

The * button serves as a SPACE and it will leave one blank space after every press.
Erasing a character is done with the LEFT FUNCTION BUTTON, the most left one out of four buttons right below the screen.

When you are in the numbers writing section (ex. entering a phone number), all of the number buttons will immediately write out a number they are assigned to.

That’s about it! It really is a fast learn and if you had any experience with it before, you’ll be ready to operate a CircuitMess Ringo as soon as you pick it up!