Arduino day 2017

Arduino day 2017


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    Dear fellow makers, hackers, technology lovers of all sorts, we're over 250% funded and only 7 days have passed since the start of the campaignThis wouldn't be possible without your awesome support! Therefore, we're all sending you a big THANK YOU and an imaginary high five..... *high five*
    Yet, there are still 17 more days to go and we'll make MAKERbuino even more popular and even better!

    Here's a quick update about what we've been doing and what happened lately:

    - we've started ordering parts and producing early bird kits

    -We've got featured on Mashable!

    -Today we visited an Arduino day celebration festival in Zagreb, the capital city of our homeland - Croatia.
    The festival was held at a coworking space and an innovation and creativity center called HUB385.
    There we've exhibited MAKERbuino and talked with quite a few fans that just stopped by to root for MAKERbuino and give us a high five.




    Lots of cool startups and makers had booths at the festival and they loved the idea behind MAKERbuino:
    Meet BadBorg Industrial, a super cool prop maker and cosplayer from Zagreb:



    Our friends from Juvo also gave thumbs up for MAKERbuino!

    -we organized a basic soldering workshop for children as a part of the Arduino day festival


    Thanks again for your support, we'll keep making and you should too!
    Stay tuned for some fancy stretch goals.