CircuitMess - CircuitMess News 2024-02-15T12:43:57+01:00 CircuitMess 2024-01-29T17:19:49+01:00 2024-04-12T11:59:32+02:00 How to Get Your STEM Program Funded: Step-by-Step Guide Albert Gajšak More


So you want to enhance the STEM learning experience of your students, but the money is tight?

Welcome to the world of STEM grants, funds, and awards.

We'll guide you through everything you need to know to fund your scientific programs and start supporting education of your little scientists straight away. You'll see that access to funds helps fill potential educational voids, whether you're teaching in private schools, public education, summer workshops, or in afterschool programs.

The main challenges of STEM funding

Quality STEM education requires up-to-date materials and technology to be effective. You can't keep teaching science, technology, engineering, and math using outdated resources and expect students to be prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

However, computer science equipment, engineering kits, and scientific tools cost money, which not all primary and secondary schools have readily available.

And for educators teaching low-income students or kids in underserved communities, the struggle is even tougher.

Yet, with the growing awareness and support for STEM education, there's a wave of opportunity for securing funding. Let's see how you can bring top-notch scientific programs to your school!

Understanding the STEM funding landscape

Whether you're looking for ways to fund high-tech classroom equipment or innovative afterschool programs, you have to know what options are there. We'll now walk you through the types of STEM program funding opportunities and show what criteria you have to meet to get them.

Types of STEM programs funding opportunities

Remember, your funding opportunities depend on your location. We'll list information for the United States here, but there are similar opportunities available worldwide. If you're outside the USA, it's a good idea to check with your local education authorities for region-specific funding options tailored to your STEM program's needs.

That said, let's see what options there are.

State funding

Many states offer specific grants for STEM education. These can range from supporting science fairs to integrating technology in classrooms. For example, a state might offer a grant to implement robotics programs in middle schools.

Not sure what your state has to offer?

Then you should check out this STEMfinity tool that lets you click on your state and see all the grants and funding options available specifically for your area.

Find STEM grants in the US by map

Image source: STEMfinity

Federal grants

The U.S. government, through agencies like the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Education, provides substantial funding for STEM initiatives. These grants often focus on large-scale projects or research, like an NSF grant for developing new engineering curricula.

The Department of Education federal grant program encourages providing students with "high-quality STEM education for all students from PreK to higher education, regardless of background."

US department of education's STEM program "You belong in STEM"

Image source: U.S. Department of Education

Federal grants like these are particularly important for fostering inclusivity and equity because they often prioritize underrepresented groups and underserved students.


Big tech and engineering companies often offer STEM funding as that encourages students to possibly explore a future career in the industry. This is not just about one-off donations—many corporations work with non-profits to secure long-term investments.

For instance, the automotive manufacturer General Motors has partnered with DonorsChoose, AI4ALL, Benetech, and others to provide immersive STEM learning activities and curricula to diverse groups of students.

General Motors offers STEM learning activities to diverse groups of students

Image source: General Motors

Don't forget that you don't necessarily have to turn to giant corporations for funding. There may be local tech companies in your area that also offer grants, equipment, or mentorship programs.

Foundations and non-profit organizations

Numerous private foundations are dedicated to advancing STEM education. The Simons Foundation, the Amgen Foundation, and the Gates Foundation are just some of the big names that contribute to the cause.

Amgen Foundation offers STEM funding for nonprofit organizations

Image source: The Amgen Foundation

Note that foundations often award grants to non-profit organizations dedicated to education, rather than funding individual schools or educators.

Eligibility and requirements for STEM education grants

Not all STEM education grants follow the same set of rules and requirements, so you'll have to explore the specifics of the ones you're interested in applying for.

For example, the Society for Science requires applicants to be mission-driven nonprofits aligned with STEM education, advocate for public STEM understanding, and serve at least 25 people in the U.S. with their programs.

Society of Science STEM grants applicant criteria

Image source: Society for Science

Other common criteria include:

  1. Organizational eligibility: Often, grants specify the type of organizations that can apply, such as K-12 schools, colleges, public schools, charter schools, or non-profits.

  2. Program focus: The focus of your STEM program should match the grant's focus, whether it's general science education, computer technology integration, engineering research, or math initiatives.

  3. Geographic restrictions: Some grants are specific to certain regions, states, or communities, so location can play a big role in eligibility.

  4. Target audience: Many grants aim to support specific groups of students, like underrepresented groups, racially diverse student populations, girls, or low-income students.

  5. Project goals and outcomes: Grants often seek programs with tangible, impactful outcomes, so it's best to plan your program's objectives and how you plan to measure success.

  6. Budget and financial need: You might need to provide a detailed budget and justify the financial need for your project.

Making sure you're eligible for the STEM education grants you're applying for before you actually apply will prevent you from wasting hours writing applications in vain. So, read each grant's requirements carefully!

Identifying the right STEM grants

Of course, the varying requirements of different grants will narrow down your selection. But don't worry!

That's a good thing, as it will allow you to focus on pursuing grants that have the greatest potential to support your STEM education goals effectively.

Identifying the right STEM grants for you should start by defining your objectives. What are your goals, and what specific outcomes do you aim to achieve? Knowing your program's purpose will guide you to grants that share similar aims.

Studying the requirements in detail should be your next step.

Then, it's a good idea to explore past awardees. Fortunately, most funding providers are proud to display their previous grant recipients, making your journey easier.

STEM grant recipients of Society for Science

Source: Society for Science

Understanding who has been successful in securing funding can show you what kinds of programs and initiatives resonate with grantors.

This knowledge can help you fine-tune your grant applications to align more closely with the preferences of funding organizations, increasing your chances of success.

Crafting a winning proposal

Once you've chosen the grant to pursue, the next crucial step is crafting a proposal. Your proposal is your opportunity to convince the grantors that your STEM education program deserves their support.

Ideally, it will be followed by a formal grant application, as outlined in the grant writing process diagram you can find below.

The structure of an ideal grant writing process

Image source: University of North Carolina

As you can see, by the time you're in the proposal writing stage, you should have your needs and budget already figured out. These are the bases that clearly communicate the value of your program to potential grantors.

However, sending a sheet with estimates won't cut it. To make your grant proposals worth accepting, you need to follow strict formatting rules and include the right content, sprinkled with a bit of storytelling. We have some great tips for you in the next section.

How to write a compelling grant proposal to get your STEM program funded

Just like with the question of eligibility, each grant has its own unique requirements when it comes to the proposal format.

To provide you with a specific, real-life example, we'll examine the proposal preparation instructions from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Essential components of a grant proposal

It all starts with knowing what you have to prepare. Below, you'll see an NSF-prescribed checklist of the essential components of grant proposals.

You can also apply it to other grants that don't have specific requirements, so that you don't have to freestyle your proposal.

  1. Project summary (1 page)

    • An overview of your proposed activity

    • Statements on its value and broader impacts

  2. Project description (up to 15 pages)

    • What you want to achieve

    • Why it's important

    • How you plan to accomplish it

    • How you will measure success

    • Potential benefits if successful

  3. References cited

    • Bibliographic citations related to your project

  4. Documents required for senior personnel

    • Biographical sketch (3 pages) outlining qualifications

    • Current and pending support for ongoing projects

    • Collaborators and affiliations

  5. Proposal budget and justification

    • Detailed budget by category

    • Justification for each budget item (up to 5 pages)

  6. Facilities, equipment, and resources

    • Description of available resources

    • Both internal and external support for the project

  7. Data management plan (up to 2 pages)

    • Explanation of how research results will be shared

While writing these specifics, you can't get creative just yet. In fact, many grants have strict rules about formatting, spacing, fonts, and other technical details, like in this bit here:

Rules for submitting and writing a grant proposal

Image source: NSF

However, it would be wrong to take a formulaic approach to writing the body of the proposal. The way you present your STEM program can greatly enhance your proposal's persuasiveness.

Building a strong case

Remember, there are many science teachers across school districts, and only a limited number of grant opportunities. That's why your proposal has to stand out.

An effective way to achieve this is to simply tell your story.

Instead of listing facts, you should describe how your STEM project came into existence, the challenges it aims to address, and the vision you have for it. An anecdote or two will make your proposal more personable, so don't shy away from describing past student success stories or even an odd classroom mishap.

Next, keep in mind that your program sounds more plausible when you acknowledge possible challenges transparently. So, list some, and say how you plan to overcome them. Grantors appreciate honesty and well-thought-out solutions.

Lastly, remember to visualize your message. Use images, charts, graphs, or infographics strategically to illustrate key points and data.

While these strategies can't turn a bad proposal into a successful one, they certainly can elevate a strong proposal and increase its chances, so make sure you apply them!

Strategies for success in getting your STEM education grants

Okay, now you know how to nail formatting and writing a proposal. But there are two additional elements that can help you secure funding, and you should be careful to include both in your proposal.

Collaborating with community partners

As we've mentioned earlier, some national institutes and foundations only award grants to non-profits that aim to improve education.

Whether you're applying for such a grant or not, it's wise to build partnerships with other organizations dedicated to the same goal.

Partnering with elementary schools, secondary schools, organizations in local communities, or experts in youth education can strengthen your proposal. Therefore, you should highlight how these collaborations enhance the impact of your STEM program.

Focusing on outcomes

Nobody likes giving away money just because of it. Funders want to see results and positive impacts from their investment, which is why you should emphasize the specific outcomes of your program.

So, when describing an outcome, you should be specific, detailed, and measurable in your description. Avoid vague statements like "improving student performance in tech summer workshops" and instead use concrete metrics, timelines, and clear goals.

With this approach, you'll be on your way to getting the funds that will help you enhance curriculum and increase student engagement in your classes.

How to manage and utilize grant funds effectively

Let's say that you've secured the funds by this point. Yay! Now it's time to ensure that you're managing them effectively.

Post-award best practices

We've prepared another practical checklist to help you make the most of your grant funds.

  1. Budget management: Carefully track expenses and stick to your budget. You don't want any financial surprises down the line!

  2. Transparent record-keeping: Maintain detailed records of all financial transactions and program activities.

  3. Compliance: The grant agreement has likely set certain terms and conditions, so you always have to adhere to those. For instance, be mindful of the compliance with funding objectives and timelines.

  4. Evaluation: Continuously assess the impact of your STEM program to measure its success and make improvements as needed.

  5. Acknowledgment: Show appreciation to the grantor through acknowledgment in your STEM curriculum materials, events, or publications.

Essentially, post-award best practices boil down to adhering to the grant terms you've signed. As long as you follow those in your STEM programming and learning activities, you're good!

Reporting and accountability

The fact that many grants specify reporting in their requirements tells us that this is an element to take seriously. In line with that, you should prepare regular, detailed reports that show you're using the funds appropriately.

Depending on the grantor, you can use the prepared report templates or create your own. Either way, be prepared to provide detailed financial statements.

Describe the impact of your STEM program using qualitative and quantitative data. Highlight success stories and describe how the grant has contributed to your program's goals.

Lastly, don't forget to state any unplanned changes. If you encounter unexpected challenges or deviations from the original plan, be sure to communicate these to the grantor. They may provide guidance or flexibility in such situations.

And that's it!

Now you know how to fill potential educational voids with grant opportunities for STEM programs, how to write proposals, and how to use the funds once you get them. Ready to start applying?

List of STEM education grants you can apply for today

Whether you're teaching in distance learning programs, after-school programs, private schools, or even summer programs, there are various STEM grants available to suit your specific needs.

The list of the grants we'll now see is by no means exhaustive, but it provides a starting point for educators seeking STEM funding opportunities.

Project Lead The Way (PLTW) focuses on biomedical science, computer science, and engineering. The project offers different programs and grants in different states, so it's best to explore if there's a grant for you while applications are open.

STEM grant opportunities from Project Lead The Way

Image source: Project Lead The Way

Next on our list is Rural Tech Fund, which works with schools and libraries in rural areas, with low-income students, and in high-poverty areas.

The fund helps introduce students to computer technology, so it's best to explore this fund if your classes revolve around computer science, programming, and robotics.

Rural Tech Fund grant opportunities for non profit organizations

Image source: Rural Tech Fund

Now, here's something for high-school chemistry teachers. The American Chemical Society provides grants to buy lab equipment, instructional materials, and student-led field studies.

You can also use the funds for job training, as these grants also cover professional development and other educational opportunities.

American Chemical Society offers several grants for STEM teaching

Image source: ACS

These are our top picks, but you can find even more grant and award opportunities below:

Keep in mind that new grants and opportunities may become available, so make sure you stay updated!

Partner up with CircuitMess for innovative STEM education in your classroom

Browsing the funds, writing the proposals, waiting for the responses—the end result is worth it, but the process does take time.

If you want to enrich your scientific programs and computer science classes now, you should consider implementing CircuitMess STEM education kits. These kits teach students hardware and software engineering skills in a hands-on way, making your classes more educational and engaging than ever before.

And as we have an entire program dedicated to educators and science teachers, you can access these innovative STEM education kits at a more affordable price, along with some additional perks.

Sounds good, but you aren't exactly sure which science kits fit best with your STEM programming? Don't worry! Feel free to contact us, and we'll find the best projects for you and your students.

]]> 2023-12-20T18:10:52+01:00 2024-04-22T15:12:48+02:00 How To Choose a DIY STEM Kit for Your School Classroom? Albert Gajšak Discover the key to selecting the best DIY STEM kit for your school in our latest post. Learn about the benefits of STEM kits, how they enhance learning and creativity - and get practical advice on choosing the right kits for different educational levels.

Perfect for educators looking to invigorate their STEM curriculum with hands-on, innovative projects. Dive in and transform your classroom with the power of DIY STEM kits!



By this point, the buzz around DIY STEM materials in educational spaces has likely reached your ears, especially the talk about specialized kits that help students learn science while having fun.

They may seem too good to be true, or may even look like just another educational fad. However, these kits come with tangible benefits.

Join us as we discuss what these benefits are, how to select the perfect DIY STEM kit, along with STEM activities for your classroom, and how to effectively integrate them into your existing curriculum. Let's dive in!

What are the benefits of using STEM kits in the classroom?

You're likely already familiar with some of the frequently discussed benefits of STEM toys and projects, such as boosting fine motor skills, improving problem-solving skills, or discovering a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

That's why we'll focus on something different; how these kits enhance the retention of complex concepts and spark creativity in students.

Benefit #1: Better retention of concepts

As we've mentioned when talking about the best science kits, the University of Chicago found that physical experiences enhance STEM learning.

Hands-on experiments can help students internalize complex concepts more effectively, which leads to deeper understanding. Better test scores are just an added bonus!

Whether you decide to enrich your classroom with science kits, pieces of modern technology, or real-world engineering tools and supplies, you'll provide an immersive learning environment where the knowledge stays with the student for good.

Benefit #2: Fostering creativity

The beauty of STEM kits lies in their ability to turn conventional classroom practices around. Learning doesn't have to revolve around dry lectures—the kits let students roll up their sleeves and dive into science and engineering experiments, transforming them from passive recipients of information into active creators.

This way of hands-on learning encourages students to engage differently, practice problem solving, develop design thinking, and invent their own solutions to STEM challenges ahead.

Importance of hands-on learning

Image source: Miracle Recreation

By encouraging your students to embrace creativity in their learning journey, you're also making STEM subjects more approachable and enjoyable.

Not everyone likes textbook-based lessons, but most kids enjoy experimenting with STEM kits. So, a creative outlet for learning may very well be the key to unlocking a student's full potential, and all of that is possible by taking on an innovative approach to STEM teaching.

How to choose the right STEM kit for your classroom

Are you on board yet?

If you are, you may be getting ready to select the right kit for your students. Besides some obvious criteria, such as topics and price, we'll list three other crucial factors to consider before committing to a seller.

Customizing STEM kits for different educational levels

First, remember that educational kits are not one size fits all. That's the reason why it's important to tailor your selection to the educational level and ages of your students.

For instance, our own kit lines are divided into two categories: our simpler kits are suitable for kids aged nine and beyond, while more complex projects are designed for learners ages eleven and above.

CircuitMess DIY robotic arm

Your choice should be age-appropriate, meaning that it's challenging enough to stimulate curiosity and learning, yet not so complex that it becomes frustrating.

Innovative STEM classroom activities using DIY kits

When you hear the phrase STEM experiments for primary school, your mind likely springs to classic activities like creating DIY catapults or baking soda/vinegar volcanoes.

Since you're already investing in new materials for your students, you may as well ensure that they fill your classes with innovation and imagination. In other words, you need kits that allow students to approach STEM topics in new ways, and complete projects that they haven't seen before.

This approach will keep your lessons, fresh, fun, and engaging. No more lemon batteries, please! Just kidding—we love ourselves a classic, but you get the point.

Project-based learning with STEM kits

As defined by the Buck Institute for Education, project-based learning (PBL) is

"a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects."

What does that mean for you when choosing your kit seller?

Well, there are many kits out there that offer cool STEM experiments, but they don't necessarily connect with real life and the skills that students would actually use.

It's essential to choose kits that go beyond just being cool and focus on projects with practical applications. Look for those that allow students to build and explore technology they can interact with daily, like smart devices or electronic gadgets.

Girl using her DIY voice assistant from CircuitMess

By choosing PBL-friendly kits, you'll ensure that the STEM activities you assign are not only hands-on and fun, but that they also help kids see the practical side of their learning, making connections between their projects and everyday life. The themes you work on in class should also matter in the real world, too.

How to integrate STEM kits into your existing curriculum

Of course, teachers don't want the new materials disrupting their carefully planned curriculum.

The key is to seamlessly weave these kits into the existing lesson plans in a way that complements the core subjects, enriching the teaching process without overtaking it.

However, the situation is not as straightforward as just sprinkling kit-related activities every few lessons. You'll also have to overcome certain challenges, and measure whether the projects are effective in helping students learn. Let's see how.

Overcoming challenges in STEM kit integration

To keep it simple, let's break down the integration process into a checklist of the top three common problems and their solutions.

  • Challenge: Budget limitations

    Solution: Explore cost-effective kits, apply for educational grants, or partner with local businesses for sponsorships.

  • Challenge: Curriculum alignment

    Solution: Identify key areas in your curriculum where STEM kits can naturally enhance learning, and integrate them into those segments. You don't need a kit for each and every lesson!

  • Challenge: Lack of support and resources

    Solution: Select a kit provider that offers multiple kinds of educational resources, clear instructions, tools, and responsive customer service.

Assessing the impact of STEM kits on learning

Once you've successfully integrated STEM kits into your curriculum, the next crucial step is to assess their impact on student learning. Are these kits truly enriching the educational experience? Do they make STEM concepts more understandable?

To help you evaluate this effectively, here's another checklist focusing on key areas of assessment and actionable solutions.

  • Measuring student engagement: Use surveys, discussions, and observation to check on your students' interest and participation levels during kit-based activities.

  • Tracking academic performance: Sure, having fun is important in class. But you should also compare test scores and project results before and after integrating STEM kits to identify any significant changes in academic achievement.

  • Evaluating knowledge retention: Conduct periodic quizzes or assessments specifically on topics covered through kit-based activities, even a few months after the initial lessons. This will help you determine if the students are able to recall and apply the concepts they learned long-term.

Real-world examples and success stories

STEM educators are often naturally prone to taking things with a grain of salt, critically looking for empirical evidence before fully embracing new teaching strategies.

There are many success stories about integrating STEM kits into classrooms, and we'll now see two particularly inspiring examples so that you can see how exactly kits complement traditional teaching.

First, let's go back to the pandemic times, when teachers quickly had to adjust to remote classes.

Science education professor Michael McCoy of the University of Regina used the transition as an opportunity to try out STEM kits and bridge the gap between hands-on classroom experiences and at-home education.

Simple DIY STEM kit used in classrooms

Image source: University of Regina

The students were happy with the approach, and they even looked forward to science classes, knowing that each lesson would let them experiment, discover new findings, and put theory into practice.

Our next story goes to show that STEM kits are also beneficial beyond traditional class structures, as seen in a workshop hosted by Zoran Černja of the Kanfanar Innovators Association.

CircuitMess STEM kit workshop

Here, STEM kits were not just accessories or supplementary materials—they were the core around which the entire workshop was structured.

Both the instructors and the primary school students loved the experience, in which students learned about electric components, soldering, and printed circuit boards.

As you can see, these kits can be resources for hands-on learning regardless of the structure of classes you're teaching, and they lend themselves to a variety of scenarios.

Additional resources you should further explore

We know that as an educator, you're always on the lookout for more information and ideas. We've got you; here's a list of additional resources you can browse and find more about the benefits of these innovative STEM materials.

Revolutionize your STEM lessons with CircuitMess STEM kits

And just like that, you're equipped with the knowledge to integrate STEM kits into your classroom. Depending on the subject area you teach, your next step is to look for the kit provider that best aligns with your curriculum.

If your teaching focus is on areas like robotics, computer science, physics, math, or engineering, CircuitMess could be the perfect fit for your needs. Our Educators program is packed with a variety of perks, such as special discounts for STEM kits, a supply of spare parts, a collection of workshop materials, and more.

These perks are designed to make integrating STEM kits into your lessons easier and more effective, enriching both your teaching experience and your students' learning journey.

So, why not take the opportunity to discover what CircuitMess has to offer? Get ready to find electronics kits that provide everything needed to build and complete exciting, educational projects.

]]> 2023-11-08T13:32:16+01:00 2024-04-22T15:12:57+02:00 How to Introduce AI to Your Kids? Albert Gajšak Embark on a journey into AI with your kids. In this post, we simplify AI into fun, relatable examples and showcase how it can boost your child’s creativity and problem-solving skills. Explore educational apps, games, projects, and classes for all learning levels.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to inspire your young innovator. Click to read the full blog post and discover the playful side of AI with CircuitMess!


You've heard of the phrase, you've interacted with this rapidly transforming technology—it's artificial intelligence (AI).

Although artificial intelligence is now an integral part of our lives, it can be challenging to explain it to younger kids. Much like tap water, it simply is there, and most of us take it for granted.

However, you can expect your children to become curious about AI at some point. We want to help you feel prepared to satisfy their young, inquisitive minds. So, let's explore ways to introduce AI to your kids in an engaging and understandable manner.

A quick overview: artificial intelligence explained for kids

Collins Dictionary defines artificial intelligence as:

"A type of computer technology concerned with making machines work in an intelligent way, similar to the way that the human mind works."

Essentially, it's about teaching machines to think and make decisions like humans do.

Computer scientists have made great strides in this field over the past few decades, and now AI has become so intertwined with our daily lives that Collins Dictionary chose the word "AI" as the Word of the Year for 2023, highlighting its significance and impact on our world.

Collins word of the year - AI - artificial intelligence

Image source: Collins Dictionary

Now, most children and young students prefer specific examples of use over abstract definitions. We've got your back; you can find a whole section dedicated to kid-friendly AI examples below.

But for now, let's say that AI is a tool that can help us find information on the internet, play games with us, or even power self-driving cars. It does that by machine learning.

Engineers create machine learning models, which is like teaching computers to get better at something over time. It's a bit like how your kid gets better at their favorite video game by practicing.

These models learn from lots of information. For instance, if you want a computer to "recognize" cats and dogs, you train it by showing it loads of photos.

AI model recognizes cats and dogs through training

Image source: ZDNET

The computer then looks at these images, studies them carefully, and starts to notice little clues. It might learn that cats usually have pointy ears and dogs have floppy ones, or that cats often have whiskers and dogs have big, wet noses.

The more pictures the computer sees, the better it becomes at telling who's a cat and who's a dog.

While recognizing cats from dogs may sound like a straightforward task, AI can do much bigger and more complex challenges.

We're not talking just about improving the efficiency in grown-up endeavors like healthcare or finance. If used thoughtfully, artificial intelligence can be a fantastic educational tool for young learners in school, applied to subjects from arts to coding classes.

How can artificial intelligence help your kids & why is it beneficial for them?

For starters, AI can help your child unleash their inner artist. But, "How could AI be beneficial when it does all the work instead of kids?", you might ask.

It's all about how you use AI.

Imagine your kid writing a fantastic story. Then, they could use QuillBot, one of the most popular AI tools, to check their grammar. Lastly, they could use an image generator to complement their story with stunning visuals.

AI-generated image in Bing Image Creator

Image source: Bing Image Creator / DALL·E

In this creative collaboration, your child remains the mastermind. They decide what to write and how to write it. AI only adds a touch of polish.

Activities like this one are excellent for middle school or high school students who need a little additional motivation to explore their talents.

Next, tinkering with AI-powered gadgets, kits, or apps can foster STEM skills, which are crucial for today's students.

For example, your child can build and program their own AI-powered robot using a DIY kit. Such a hands-on activity shows them how AI can be applied to real-life situations.

Kid coding CircuitMess AI RC car

Of course, coding a robot is no small feat—it requires kids to use their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Even programming in Scratch or other kid-friendly coding languages can challenge them to think logically, creatively, and systematically.

In the same manner, exploring AI-related projects and coding also turns mathematics into a practical, engaging adventure. Young students can discover that math is not just about numbers and equations on a page but a powerful tool to unlock the secrets of the latest technology.

There are also AI reading tools, like, that help your kids improve reading skills and take personalized reading to the next level by analyzing your child's interests, creating custom stories, and making reading more interesting and engaging.

When you consider these benefits and their interaction, you'll find that when kids start learning about AI, they're not only gaining valuable new skills. They're also boosting their career potential for the future!

Easy examples for explaining AI to your kids

Now you know the theory, but let's not forget about the kids. At an early age, children prefer learning about the world through tangible examples.

Rather than diving into complex theories, it's better to explain AI in a simple and fun way, using examples they can relate to, like the ones listed below.

Voice assistants

Siri, Alexa, or any other assistants that your kid has on their smart devices all work in a similar way. They use artificial intelligence to understand and respond to voice commands.

Siri using AI and ML to respond to voice commands

Image source: X

More precisely, Siri records frequencies and sound waves from a voice and translates them into code. The code is then broken down to identify particular patterns and keywords.

That's how your voice assistant can chat with you, play your songs, and answer your questions.

YouTube and Spotify recommendations

Have you ever noticed that when you watch YouTube videos, the platform suggests more videos you might like? Or when you're listening to music on Spotify, it magically knows just the right song to play next?

Whether you're into unboxing videos or DIY experiments such as the egg-drop challenge, AI recommendation systems have got you covered. They use your past choices to guess what you might enjoy next.

Face filters and effects

Next time your kid is playing around with quirky filters that turn their face into a scuba diver, tell them they have AI to thank for the fun.

Kids using AI photo filters that use computer vision and face recognition

Image source: Vox

Filters and effects use computer vision and face recognition, which are areas of machine learning.

When you open a face filter app, it uses machine learning to quickly learn what your face looks like. It has seen lots of faces before, so it knows where your eyes, nose, and mouth should be. This way, it can apply the filters or effects you choose in real time.

How to teach your kids about computer science and AI?

Now you're armed with explanations and examples, and it's time for your kid to explore computer science and AI in a hands-on way.

Note that building real AI models is not as easy as showing cat and dog pics to a computer. The machine learning processes involve large amounts of data science, coding, and using specialized tools.

However, there are ways to learn how AI works suitable for students and kids of different ages. Let's see what they are.

Method #1: Educational apps & games

There are plenty of quality online resources that help kids learn how to code and understand the basics of artificial intelligence and data science through engaging apps. These apps often come in a user-friendly, gamified format, making the learning process more fun and interactive.

One such tool is called Quick, Draw!, developed by Google.

Example of using Google's Quick,Draw app that uses neural network

Image source: Quick, Draw!

The program asks you to draw an image. A neural network then tries to guess what you've drawn based on thousands of previous attempts from other people.

This can give kids insight into how AI algorithms learn from data and improve their accuracy over time. It's a great way for kids to understand that AI isn't just about doing tasks but also about learning from experiences.

Ambitious students looking for more advanced resources can check out another web-based tool developed by Google, called Teachable Machine.

Teachable Machine capabilities - Google's web-based tool for students

Image source: Teachable Machine

If you want to train AI, you have to provide images or sounds, depending on your project. These can be hard to get by. Luckily, Teachable Machine lets you quickly create your own machine learning models.

That way, you can teach computers to recognize your images, sounds, and poses, and use them to build games or apps.

Method #2: STEM kits

All right, now this is where things get more engaging. A virtual approach to artificial intelligence may be fun, but do you know what kids love even more?

It's holding something they've created in their hands and watching it come to life.

With STEM kits that incorporate AI, your kids can do just that. Remember how we mentioned Siri and Alexa as prime examples of AI usage?

Well, there's an exciting STEM kit available that lets your kids create their very own DIY voice assistant, Spencer.

Kid playing with and coding CircuitMess DIY voice assistant - Spencer

After assembling the assistant, your kid gets to code it, and ask it question after question. From the standard "What's the weather?" to "Tell me a joke!", Spencer knows it all and looks way cuter than your average voice assistant.

By exploring this STEM kit, kids learn about the Internet of Things, AI, voice recognition, and speech synthesis.

Depending on your child's skills and interests, you can find different varieties of STEM kits, each of which opens a world of possibilities to interact with AI.

Method #3: AI Classes

If you think your child is ready to explore AI on a more structured level, AI classes are an excellent choice. They are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills related to artificial intelligence.

For instance, Udemy classes like this one teach children how to create and code AI models using Scratch. Over the course, students code several smaller AI projects. The final project involves developing an AI chatbot!

There are also classes designed for children with less coding experience.

This Outschool class, for example, uses Scratch and guides students while they train a Pac-Man that avoids the ghost on its own.

Regardless of your child's coding background, there are AI classes available to match their knowledge level.

Method #4: AI-related books and videos

Of course, some children prefer studying the theory before diving into projects. If that's the case with your little one, you could suggest exploring resources such as books and videos about artificial intelligence.

The choice of media is up to you because there are so many subcategories of the field.

Is your child interested in the ethical aspect of artificial intelligence? The technical aspect, perhaps? Or do they want to be guided through specific projects?

Depending on the answer, you can find helpful books and videos that cater to your kid's particular interests.

Method #5: Coding projects

Lastly, once your kid has grasped the foundations, it's time to move to coding projects. These projects encourage children to put their coding skills to the test while exploring AI concepts in a practical manner.

Your kid can start with small, simple projects and gradually work their way up to more complex challenges as their coding abilities improve. This progression allows them to learn at their own pace and steadily build their AI skills.

Here are a few coding project ideas to consider:

  • Simple gesture-controlled video games (think Flappy-Bird-level simple)
  • Dish classifier
  • Toy recognizer
  • Face filters
  • Handwriting recognition app

By developing such programs, your child can apply their creativity, problem-solving skills, and decision-making ability while gaining a deeper understanding of AI.

So, let their skills grow, one line of code at a time.

Teach kids about AI and machine learning models with exciting CircuitMess kits

Although it's hard to beat human intelligence, artificial intelligence is here to stay, so it's good to prepare kids for the future.

Your kid may not be ready to build real self-driving cars just yet, but they certainly can start working on simpler projects with the help of carefully designed classes or STEM kits. At CircuitMess, we're passionate about empowering children for the technologies of the future, and a number of our STEM kits explore AI.

Your kid can build and program robots, make them perform tasks, and learn AI-related skills, all while having fun.

So, pick a kit, and watch your future tech innovator evolve!

]]> 2023-11-07T14:57:04+01:00 2024-04-22T15:11:45+02:00 Parent-Approved! Why Tech-Savvy Moms and Dads Trust CircuitMess Albert Gajšak Step into the future of STEM with CircuitMess! Join the ranks of tech-savvy parents who trust us to enrich their children's education. Embrace hands-on learning, spark creativity, and build unforgettable moments with our top-quality STEM kits. Ready to nurture your child's potential?

Click now to explore our innovative world and become part of a thriving community committed to growth and fun in learning!


You’re wondering how best to arm your kids for the techy future ahead? You're not alone. We've been hearing buzz about CircuitMess from all the plugged-in parents at the playground, and it's got us curious. Why are we the go-to for the tech parent crowd? 

In this post, we’ll spill the beans on why CircuitMess is the buddy for parents who want to give their kids a leg up in STEM. So, grab your favorite snack, and let’s dig into how this cool community is sparking a love for science and tech in our little ones. They're not just playing—they're preparing to take on the world!

Significance of parent involvement in kids’ STEM education

Ever wondered what gives that extra zing to your kid's learning journey? It's you! Yes, your involvement is the secret ingredient in the grand feast of their education, especially when we're talking about STEM. 

Now, why's that so important? Let’s break it down.

Picture this: You're on the living room floor, piecing together a LEGO spaceship with your kid. As you both ponder over the best way to make it space-worthy, there's more happening than meets the eye. You're not just playing with blocks; you're launching a lifelong love affair with learning.

Parent involved in the kids' STEM education

Here’s why your role is awesome

Early exposure to STEM: Getting cozy with STEM stuff right from the get-go means science and tech become like second nature to your kids. They’re sponges, right? The earlier they soak up this knowledge, the better they get at figuring out the world as they grow.

Be the hero they copy: Kids are like little copycats, and guess who they’re watching? You! When you're jazzed about STEM, they catch the excitement too. And hey, it's never too late for you to pick up a new party trick (or science fact)! 

DIY for the win: Rolling up sleeves and diving into STEM projects with your kids is like the ultimate 'learning by doing' adventure. It's about getting those hands busy and brains buzzing.

Puzzle masters in training: Every STEM challenge is a brain teaser waiting to be solved. You're there to show your little champs that giving up is not on the menu. Problem-solving skills? Check!

The bond that builds bridges (literally): It's not just about the nuts and bolts or the facts and figures. It's about those precious moments of togetherness, building not just projects but memories.

CircuitMess is all about this — creating those golden opportunities for you to dive into a world of wonder and discovery with your kids. Because, at the end of the day, it's not just about what they learn—it's about loving the ride there. And that, dear parents, is the magic we're after.

Trust is the most important factor when choosing STEM products

Alright, let's talk about the big 'T' – Trust. It's the most important factor when you're on the hunt for that perfect STEM gem for your kiddos. And it's huge, right? It's not just a thumbs-up for a product; it's about the whole experience – the brand's dedication to your little one's growth.

Here’s the deal: You're not just looking for playthings. You want the real McCoy – kits that aren't just about fun, but are dynamite learning partners. They’ve got to fire up those neurons and turn your cute couch potatoes into mini masterminds.

One more thing – trust isn't just handed out like free candy. It's all about safety and top-notch stuff for your kids. Think 'age-perfect', think 'tough-as-nails'. With our STEM kits, your kids won't just fiddle around – they'll flourish.

Parent watching their kid enjoy with CircuitMess kits

Earning your trust is serious business. It’s like a badge of honor, earned with sweat, smarts, and a track record that shines. It’s what makes parents give CircuitMess the nod – because you know we're all about cooking up the most engaging, awesomely fun learning escapades for your little adventurers.

Parents across the globe place trust in CircuitMess

It turns out that no matter where we call home, from the skyscrapers of Tokyo to the shores of Sydney, we've all found a common friend in CircuitMess. It's heartwarming to see parents from every corner of the planet, each with their unique way of life and learning, unite in their trust for what we're doing here.

And, oh boy, the stories you share about our STEM kits! They're like little love letters from around the world. Here's the scoop on what folks have been saying that's got us blushing and totally humbled.

Positive customer reviews and testimonials of CircuitMess customers


CircuitMess works closely with schools and educators

Big shout-out to the heroes in the classrooms – the teachers and schools who are daily turning the gears of innovation in young minds. At CircuitMess, we're not just shipping boxes of STEM goodies; we’re teaming up, rolling up our sleeves, and getting down to the nitty-gritty with educators everywhere.

Here's the lowdown on how we're joining forces with the education superheroes:

Tailored tech tales: No two classrooms are the same, and we get that. That’s why we’re all about customizing our STEM kits to fit right into the unique tapestry of each school's curriculum. It's like having a STEM kit designed just for your lesson plan – because, well, it is!

Teacher tech-boost: We've got the backs of our teacher pals. Through thick and thin, our comprehensive training is there to ensure they’re wielding our STEM kits like the wizards they are, bringing magic to every lesson.

Sharing is caring: We’re not just about the gadgets; we're the whole library of know-how with guides, videos, and all the trimmings to help educators amp up their STEM game.

Curious minds unite: Our kits are like the secret passageways for students to wander into the world of STEM and explore every nook and cranny, turning 'What's this?' into 'Aha!'

Teamwork makes the dream work: We love a good group project, and so do the schools we work with. Through projects that have students buzzing with excitement, we're putting the cool in school and the edge in education.

Kids in school learning STEM with CircuitMess STEM kits

By joining forces with the educational frontline, we at CircuitMess are on a mission to sprinkle a little more STEM magic into the learning mix. Here's to creating a future as bright as the sparks of curiosity we see in every student!

We have thousands of success stories

Roll out the red carpet because we've got stars in the making! Our adventure at CircuitMess is dotted with a galaxy of success stories – each one shining bright with the can-do spirit of STEM learning. These aren't just feel-good moments; they're the real deal – showing just how much value our kits pack when it comes to sparking young imaginations.

Kids learning how to succeed with CircuitMess STEM kits

Dive into these success stories and watch as 'I think I can' turns into 'I knew I could.' 

These stories are the very reason why parents with a knack for tech are giving CircuitMess two thumbs up for being the perfect sidekick in their kids' quest to conquer STEM challenges.

Tech-savvy parents enjoy building our STEM toys with their kids

At CircuitMess, we believe that the best way to learn is by doing, and what better way to embark on a learning journey than alongside your children?

Our STEM kits aren't just educational tools; they're bridges that connect generations. Tech-savvy moms and dads across the globe find delight in building these projects with their children, creating lasting memories while imparting essential skills.

Join the league of tech-savvy parents who enjoy every moment of building STEM toys with their kids, and find out why this hands-on adventure is winning hearts worldwide.

Perfect opportunity to bond with your kids

Who says screen time has to be the only game in town for family fun? Not us at CircuitMess! We're handing you the golden ticket to some prime, quality bonding with your little ones – all while ditching the digital for some good old-fashioned hands-on fun.

Picture this: You and your mini-me, tinkering away, turning bits and bobs into something awesome. It's about those high-fives when the gears click into place, the 'aha!' moments when a lightbulb pops on (literally), and those beaming smiles that say, 'We did it!' This is the stuff memories are made of, folks.

And the cherry on top? Watching your child's confidence rocket to new heights with each project. We're talking about more than just creating cool gadgets here – we're talking about crafting lasting legacies of learning and laughter.

So hey, if you're that parent who loves tech and treasures time with your kids, CircuitMess is your playground. Let's build some memories!

Parent bonding with kids by building a CircuitMess STEM kit 

A quick look inside our STEM kits

You're about to peek behind the curtain of CircuitMess’s world of wonder. It’s like opening a treasure chest in your own living room – what’s inside these kits that has tech enthusiasts and bright-eyed kids equally enthralled?

Lean in, because we’re about to lift the lid on the magic box and show you the goodies that make our STEM kits the talk of the town.

We use only high-quality components

Let's talk about what really matters in a CircuitMess kit – the heart and soul of every little inventor's dream. For us, 'quality' isn't just a fancy label; it's our promise to you and your curious kids.

Inside each kit is a trove of the finest components that have been handpicked and carefully crafted in our office to go the distance. Why fuss over quality, you ask? Here's the lowdown on why top-shelf parts are game-changers:

Tough stuff: Our bits and pieces are like the superhero of components – they’re in it for the long haul. No matter how wild the learning gets, these parts are ready for action, over and over again.

The real deal: These aren't your average, run-of-the-mill parts. We're talking about the genuine article – real-deal electronic components that show kids the ropes of how tech ticks in the big, bold world out there.

Safety first: Hey, we're parents too, and nothing trumps the safety of our little ones. Rest easy knowing that every component passes the 'mom and dad' test, for a worry-free play that’s all about discovery and zero about hazards.

Smooth operators: It’s simple – better parts mean better performance. So when your child's latest creation starts beeping, blinking, or broadcasting, it's all systems go, just as expected.

Smart parts for bright sparks: Quality bits lead to quality learning. We’re talking about deep-dives into STEM that turn 'huh?' moments into 'eureka!' moments.

When you crack open a CircuitMess kit, you're not just opening a box; you're unlocking potential. Because with the right tools in those tiny hands, who knows what they’ll create next? Here’s to building a love for STEM, one quality component at a time.

Everything you need is in the box

Imagine a treasure chest that has it all – that's a CircuitMess kit for you. We're all about giving you and your kiddos the whole nine yards of STEM fun without the runaround.

Pop open a CircuitMess box and voila! You're looking at a mini-laboratory, packed with every gizmo, gadget, and whatchamacallit your child needs to dive into their STEM escapade. No extra shopping lists, no 'oops, we forgot the thingamajig' – just straight-up, ready-to-roll fun.

Parts and components of CircuitMess STEM Box

Here’s the kit rundown:

Gadget galore: From the tiniest resistor to the smartest sensor, every tool and component is tucked in, waiting to jump into action. It's organized, it's complete, and it's all yours.

The navigator: Our instruction booklet is like the trusty map that guides young explorers through the jungles of electronics and coding. Simple, friendly, and straight to the point – it’s learning made easy.

Virtual sidekick: And for the digital-savvy bunch, we’ve got online tutorials and build guides that are like having a mentor over your shoulder – minus the peering. Click, learn, and conquer with extra online support that brings STEM to life.

Zero hassles, all learning: With everything in one box, you're cutting straight to the chase – learning. No detours, no delays; just your child and their curiosity, geared up and ready for adventure.

The family’s in: We’re all about making this a family affair. Our kits are a breeze for anyone to jump in and help out, making for some prime family time. It's the CircuitMess promise – simplicity for you, pure discovery for them.

So there you have it – CircuitMess kits are your one-stop-shop to a world where learning is as easy as pie and twice as fun. We're delivering not just pieces and parts, but an entire universe of STEM exploration, right to your doorstep.

How do we produce our STEM kits?

Ever wondered what goes into making the STEM kits that inspire young minds around the world? At CircuitMess, we believe in transparency, and we're excited to give you a glimpse into our production process.

Here are some behind-the-scenes videos of Albert, our CEO, showing you how we produce our STEM kits - and what kind of tech! 

We love and support hands-on learning

At CircuitMess, we're all about getting those hands busy and brains buzzing! It's our belief that the nitty-gritty of building, making, and doing is where the real learning happens. This isn't just our job; it's our passion, and it's baked into every inch of our STEM kits.

Let's get into the 'why' of it all. Hands-on learning isn't just fun (though, trust us, it's a blast); it's a powerful way to wrap your head around those sometimes-tricky STEM concepts. It’s about turning “I can't” into”'I can” and “I did”! This approach lets kids not just learn, but experience the wonders of science and tech.

How have we woven this into our kits, you ask? It's simple: every piece, every component, and every instruction is a stepping stone to discovery. We're not just talking about learning – we're talking about learning with gusto. So, let’s gear up and get hands-on!

Tangible learning has incredible value

We believe that when kids get their hands on the gears of learning, they're not just picking up facts – they're absorbing the very essence of STEM.

Think of tangible learning as the bridge that takes curious minds from "I read about it" to "I made it happen!" It's about swapping the sidelines for the driver's seat. With every wire they connect and every code they crack, kids are unlocking a deeper layer of understanding.

Let's count the wins of getting tangible:

Deep dives: By touching and seeing the science in action, concepts click into place – no memorization required!

Master problem-solvers: There's no puzzle too tricky for our young learners. Hands-on means they get to solve real challenges in real-time.

Thinkers turned tinkerers: This is where curiosity meets critical thinking. If plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters – time to experiment!

Creative champions: Our kits aren't just about following instructions; they're a canvas for innovation. Kids get to invent, to play, to create.

Sticky learning: When kids do the learning, they remember. It’s learning that lasts and stories they'll tell.

Kids showing off their finished CircuitMess STEM kits

CircuitMess is all about that tangible, touchable, unforgettable way of learning. With our kits, STEM isn't just a subject; it’s a world to explore. We’re providing the map, the tools, and the little nudges along the way to ensure that every build, every project, every 'aha!' moment is a treasure trove of learning. So let’s get those hands busy, brains fired up, and watch the magic happen!

What kind of resources do we have for parents? 

Embarking on a STEM adventure with your kiddo is a team sport, and we’re your eager teammates here at CircuitMess. We’re not just about mailing out kits; we're in the business of building a powerhouse of parent-child duos, all ready to conquer the world of science and tech.

Here's the playbook we provide to make sure you're the MVP of this educational game:

Comprehensive instruction booklets: Our instruction booklets could be your new best friend – they’re clear, friendly, and totally tech-babble-free. We’ve crafted them to make the learning journey a walk in the park for both you and your mini genius.

Online tutorials and build guides: Besides our nifty manuals, we’ve got a digital library of video tutorials and guides. They're like having a personal coach for every project, perfect if you or your child learn best with visuals.

Help at the ready: Stuck or just want to brag about what your child has created? Our customer support team is all ears and always ready to cheer you on. With us, you’re never flying solo.

Community cheerleaders: Join the CircuitMess family, a buzzing network of parents and young innovators, all sharing this STEM-tastic journey. Our forums and social spaces are your go-to for advice, high-fives, and shared victories.

The growth continuum: Your child’s curiosity is ever-growing, and so is our kit collection. From newbie to pro, we’ve got the tools to keep the learning fresh, challenging, and fun.

The lowdown on STEM: Stay in the loop with our blog and newsletters. They’re your digest of the latest and greatest in STEM, filled with insights to fuel your child’s passion.

Parent helping kids assemble their CircuitMess STEM kits

Dedicated customer support is our greatest strength

With CircuitMess, you’re signing up for more than a STEM kit; you’re gaining a lifelong membership to a club that champions your part in your child's learning odyssey. We’re here to arm you with all you need to guide them to greatness. Let’s craft the innovators of the future, one exciting project at a time.

Need a helping hand on your STEM voyage with the kiddos? At CircuitMess, our customer support isn't just a service – it's the superhero team ready to swoop in! We get that questions and 'aha' moments don’t have a schedule, which is why our support squad is here for you 24/7.

Always on call: Day or night, whenever a question pops up or a hurdle appears, we're just a message away. Sleep tight knowing we're on watch!

Your friendly STEM sidekicks: Our team isn’t just smart; they're like your next-door neighbors who happen to be whizzes at STEM. They're here to chat, explain, and guide with a smile.

Quick on the draw: Long waits? Not on our watch. We’re quick to respond because your child’s seamless learning experience is our top priority.

Troubleshooters galore: Got a glitch? No sweat. Our crew is ready to tackle any snags with your STEM kit, so you can get back to the fun bits pronto.

A community affair: Reaching out to us means you're tapping into a collective brain trust of parents and educators. Your experiences add to a rich community wisdom that lifts us all.

Your two cents counts: We're all ears for your feedback and bright ideas. After all, you're the co-pilots on this journey, helping us fine-tune the flight path for all our STEM explorers.

CircuitMess is on a mission to make customer support synonymous with a partnership – because we're in this together, nurturing the innovators of tomorrow and making sure the road to discovery is as smooth and joyous as can be.

Invest in your kids’ future STEM skills and join our community

Ready to unlock a universe of possibilities for your child? By teaming up with CircuitMess, you’re not just picking out a STEM kit—you’re planting a flag in the fertile ground of their future. It’s a place where a community of forward-thinking parents, budding geniuses, and guiding educators thrive and grow together.

Armed with our top-notch gadgets, your sidekick status is secured as you and your child navigate the exciting world of STEM. Imagine the pride as you watch them crack codes, solve puzzles, and light up with understanding—these are the moments that build a confident, curious, and creative innovator.

The future is an open road, and there’s no better time to start this adventure than now. Join the ranks of our passionate STEM family. Let’s fuel the fires of imagination and cheer on the next wave of world-changers. The journey ahead is dazzling, and with CircuitMess, every step is a joyride in learning!

]]> 2023-09-04T10:59:15+02:00 2024-04-22T15:10:47+02:00 CircuitMess vs. Competitors: What Sets us Apart? Albert Gajšak You're looking for the perfect STEM kit for your kids? Look no further! In this blog post, we've compared our STEM kits with some of the biggest STEM kit creators like - Mel Science, KiwiCo, and Creation Crate.

Read our article and get all the info you need before deciding which STEM kit to choose for your budding engineers and scientists. 



Starting the hunt for the ideal STEM kit for your young inventor can be quite a journey. The world of STEM education is vast and filled with options, each offering its own unique experiences. 

In this guide, we'll explore the world of STEM education, highlight what makes CircuitMess special, and delve into all the important things to think about when picking the perfect STEM kit for your child. 

So, let's begin and make this journey an enjoyable one!

The STEM kit education landscape

The world of STEM education is a vibrant one, teeming with opportunities for young learners. As parents and educators, we're spoiled for choice when it comes to selecting the right tools to ignite our children's curiosity and nurture their STEM skills

In this diverse landscape, we’ll compare the 4 major players, each with its unique approach: CircuitMess, Mel Science, KiwiCo, and Creation Crate.

These brands have recognized the importance of providing young minds with engaging, hands-on experiences that make learning STEM subjects a joyful adventure. While their goals align — educating the next generation of innovators and problem solvers — the methods and offerings differ.

CircuitMess helps bring new generation of innovators

At CircuitMess, we pride ourselves on empowering kids to build, code, and tinker with electronic devices. Our kits are a gateway to the world of electronics and programming, where children explore technology through exciting hands-on projects. And the best thing is - each of our STEM projects is extremely cool — otherwise we wouldn’t even think about creating them. 

Mel Science takes a hands-on approach to STEm in general, offering captivating experiments delivered right to your doorstep. Their kits bring the wonders of the chemical world to life, allowing children to conduct safe and exciting experiments in the comfort of their homes. Besides chemistry, they offer several different DIY kits — one for each field — Math, Space, Physics, Chemistry, and STEM in general. 

KiwiCo is known for its comprehensive range of STEM-focused crates, each tailored to a specific age group and learning level. These crates encompass various subjects, ensuring that kids of all interests find something to pique their curiosity. From kits designed for newborns to engineering kits for high school students - they’ve covered it all. 

Creation Crate is all about electronics, engineering, and chemistry. Their kits provide an accessible entry point into the world of STEM, making it fun and educational for young tech and chemistry enthusiasts. Each of their kits includes access to an online classroom where kids can dive into video tutorials, challenges, and various learning resources. 

In the end, while these brands offer different products, they share a common goal: making STEM education engaging and enjoyable. It's not about dull textbooks or tedious lectures; it's about exciting hands-on experiences that awaken a love for STEM in children. 

We love all of them and deeply respect them for pursuing this wonderful mission of creating a new generation of innovators. But which one is the best pick for your kids? Let’s find out.

Why and how do we differ from other STEM kit creators?

As you’ve seen — there are several brands that offer STEM kits — just like we do. But what truly distinguishes us from the competition, and why might you consider our products for your child's STEM education journey? 

It's not solely about the kits themselves; it's the underlying philosophy, the massive value of our STEM kits, and the highest-quality tools, components, and educational materials. 

CircuitMess STEM kits have the best-quality tools and components

Let’s take a look at how we compare to different STEM kit creators! 

Different age categories

To make the right choice for your child, it's crucial to understand how different STEM kit creators cater to various age groups. Here, we'll provide a comparative look at how CircuitMess, KiwiCo, Mel Science, and Creation Crate address this aspect of STEM education. Each of these companies offers a unique range of kits tailored to different age categories. 

STEM exploration for young minds: Ages 5-8

For our youngest aspiring scientists and engineers, ages 5-8, CircuitMess, KiwiCo, and Mel Science all offer engaging kits designed to introduce fundamental STEM concepts in a playful and interactive manner.

While CircuitMess STEM kits are designed for somewhat older kids (Wacky Robots are designed for kids aged 9+, and STEM Box is designed for kids aged 11+), our DIY Batmobile is a STEM project perfect for kids aged 7 and above. And yes, it’s the real deal, at least Warner Bros says so! 

KiwiCo's Kiwi Crate is another excellent choice, offering a wide range of hands-on projects and activities that encourage exploration in science, art, and engineering. These projects may seem somewhat simple and maybe not as cool as our Batmobile — but it’s a great choice for introducing your young ones to STEM in easy mode. Also, KiwiCo Atlas Crate and Yummy Crate are great additions to teach your kids about geography, culture, and the science of cooking.

Mel Science stands out with its Mel STEM kit, designed exactly for kids aged 5-8. It includes many cool projects like — the microscope, a spring force, and even a hydraulic lift. With each project, you’ll get detailed video guides and even augmented reality lessons to explore these STEM kits in even more depth. 

It's never too late - join forces with the Caped Crusader and learn about AI, machine learning, and electronics with CircuitMess Batmobile. Get it delivered to your doorstep in just a few days. 

STEM adventures for growing minds: Ages 9-12

As children grow and their curiosity deepens, CircuitMess, KiwiCo, Mel Science, and Creation Crate all have tailored STEM kits for ages 9-12. These kits provide more in-depth explorations into STEM subjects while keeping the learning experience enjoyable.

Both our CircuitMess STEM kits are designed for this age group. Our Wacky Robots STEM kit is great for introducing kids aged 9+ into the world of STEM in a cool way — they get to build their own robots and learn about different technological concepts. The STEM Box, on the other hand, is designed for kids (and adults) aged 11+ and it features some of our coolest products that make it possible for your kids to take a deep dive into electronics, coding, and engineering. 

KiwiCo’s Tinker Crate is a STEM kit, brimming with exciting projects — from mechanical engineering to chemistry and astrophysics, all designed for kids aged 9-16. What you can be confident about is - with this STEM kit, your kids will be on a good track to master problem-solving skills and gain much-needed confidence to tackle any challenge.

Mel Science has almost all of its science kits designed for growing minds in this age category.  Their STEM, Math, Space, Physics, and Chemistry kits are perfect for getting your kids introduced to these advanced fields early on. Each kit includes all the tools, components, and instructions to craft these awesome projects — and there’s even a companion mobile app to help your kids immerse themselves in this learning experience. 

Creation Crate has its Engineering and Chemistry kits designed for kids aged 10+ and provides a ton of cool, advanced projects any kid will want to try out building. From building a mechanical leg you can control with a glove to learning about chemistry through clever and entertaining science projects - they offer great stuff for your younger kids aged 9-12. 

Introduce your kids to the world of electronics with our Wacky Robots. Easy to assemble and play with, they're the perfect teaching medium for your young ones.

Advanced STEM endeavors: Ages 13 & beyond

For budding scientists, engineers, and tech enthusiasts aged 13 and beyond, CircuitMess, KiwiCo, and Creation Crate present advanced kits designed to challenge and inspire. These kits are built to deepen their understanding of STEM subjects while nurturing their creativity and innovation.

CircuitMess offers the CircuitMess STEM Box, a comprehensive kit that takes your kids deep into the world of electronics, programming, and robotics. It's an ideal choice for teenagers looking to take their STEM skills to the next level. From building and coding a remote-controlled car to creating your own video game console — we’ve got tons of exciting projects.

KiwiCo's Maker Crate and Eureka Crate both great choices for your older kids. While Maker Crate includes more artsy DIY projects like macrame planters and terrazzo clay organizers — Eureka Crate offers a wide range of engineering projects where you’ll learn to build stuff from scratch — from electric pencil sharpeners to wooden ukulele. 

Creation Crate also has a few STEM kits prepared for your older kids. Their Electronics Beginner and Electronics Challenger STEM kits are knowledge-packed electronics kits designed to introduce your budding engineers to the world of electronics, coding, and hardware engineering. These kits include some awesome projects like the weather station, audio visualizer, electronic lockbox, and even a Bluetooth speaker. 

Lastly, Mel Science comes in with their Medicine kit, designed for kids aged 14 and older. They bring you the real medical science — in a box. This will serve your kids as a perfect introduction to surgery, dentistry, and even pharmacy. If your kids are leaning into the biology/medicine sphere - this one is the perfect kit for them! 

All in all, whichever STEM kit you choose - there’s no wrong pick. Each of these kits includes awesome projects that will teach your kids invaluable STEM skills and set them up for success. While on the outside, all of these companies may seem like competitors — we’re all fighting for the same cause — and that’s bringing high-quality, hands-on learning experiences to your homes.

And that’s something we wholeheartedly support! 

If you're looking to teach your middle schoolers (or yourself) about AI, electronics, and coding - there's no better place to start than with our STEM Box. At least, that's what more than thousands of our customers say! 

Educational content and learning objective

When choosing a STEM kit for your child, understanding the educational content and learning objectives is paramount. CircuitMess, KiwiCo, Mel Science, and Creation Crate all offer unique approaches to teaching STEM subjects through hands-on activities, but their focus and goals may differ.

CircuitMess: Building a foundation in AI, electronics and coding

Our kits combine the excitement of assembling and customizing real electronic devices, like smartphones and game consoles, with coding experiences that develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills. With our STEM kits, we aim to: 

Teach electronics, AI and engineering: CircuitMess kits introduce youngsters to electronic components, circuits, and how to assemble them, laying the groundwork for understanding modern technology.

Introduce kids to coding: Through hands-on coding tasks, children learn the basics of programming languages, fostering computational thinking and creativity.

CircuitMess helps kids learn AI, electronics, and coding

KiwiCo: A multidisciplinary approach to STEM

KiwiCo takes a multidisciplinary approach, offering crates that explore various aspects of STEM and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Their educational content focuses on:

Scientific concepts: KiwiCo encourages children to explore scientific principles through hands-on experiments, sparking curiosity and fostering a love for scientific discovery.

Creative problem-solving: Their kits often incorporate engineering challenges and art projects, promoting creativity and problem-solving skills.

KiwiCo has multidisciplinary approach to STEM teaching

Image source:

Mel Science: Delving into the world of chemistry and physics

Mel Science is all about the world of chemistry and physics. Their kits provide hands-on experiments that make complex scientific concepts accessible to young minds. The educational content aims to:

Deepen scientific understanding: Mel Science kits aim to deepen children's understanding of chemistry and physics through interactive experiments and clear explanations.

Practical application: By allowing children to perform real chemical reactions and physics experiments, Mel Science encourages the practical application of scientific knowledge.

They do offer even STEM, Space, and Medicine kits — which only furthers their goal of deepening your kids’ understanding of the world around them. 

Mel Science teaches kids about physics and chemistry

Image source:

Creation Crate: Focusing on electronics and complex projects

Creation Crate specializes in electronics and coding projects, making it one of the go-to choices for kids interested in technology. Their educational content emphasizes:

Tech skills: Creation Crate kits teach kids valuable tech skills, from building circuits to assembling robotic legs, Creation Crate is preparing them for a technology-driven future — they’ve got several STEM projects to level up your kids’ knowledge of electronics. 

Problem-solving: Through complex technological projects, Creation Crate promotes problem-solving abilities and logical thinking — both invaluable life skills you’ll certainly want your kids to master.

Each of these STEM kit creators offers educational content designed to cater to specific learning objectives, providing parents with a range of options to match their child's interests and educational needs. In the next section, we'll explore how these kits engage young minds and keep the learning experience captivating.

Creation Crate focus on complex electronics projects for kids

Image source:

Interactivity and engagement

The interactivity and engagement levels of STEM kits play a vital role in nurturing a child's interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. CircuitMess, KiwiCo, Mel Science, and Creation Crate all strive to make learning an exciting adventure, but their approaches vary.

CircuitMess: Learning through building and coding

At CircuitMess, we place a strong emphasis on hands-on engagement. Our kits involve assembling real electronic devices like mobile phones and game consoles. This tactile experience not only educates children about electronics — but also encourages them to take ownership of their projects. The interactivity and engagement elements include:

Building real devices: Assembling working electronic gadgets provides a unique and immersive learning experience. Once they’re built, you can easily use them in your everyday life.

Coding adventures: Children can customize their creations through coding, empowering them to explore and experiment. This offers unmatched flexibility and unleashes your kids’ full creative potential.

KiwiCo: Playful exploration across disciplines

KiwiCo understands the importance of play in learning. Their crates offer a variety of engaging activities that cater to different learning styles and preferences. KiwiCo's approach to interactivity and engagement includes:

Hands-on fun: KiwiCo's crates are designed to be hands-on and engaging, allowing children to explore STEM concepts in an entertaining way.

Diverse activities: With a wide range of crates covering science, art, engineering, and more, KiwiCo keeps learning fresh and exciting.

Mel Science: Exciting chemistry and physics experiments

Mel Science aims to make chemistry, math, and physics captivating for young learners. Their experiments are carefully crafted to combine education with awe and wonder. The interactivity and engagement elements involve:

Real chemical reactions: Children can perform experiments with real chemicals, witnessing exciting reactions in a safe and controlled environment.

Augmented Reality: Mel Science offers AR lessons that transport learners into the microscopic world, enhancing engagement and understanding.

Creation Crate: Tech-centric projects for inquisitive minds

Creation Crate's focus on technology-driven projects ensures an engaging experience for kids interested in electronics. Their interactivity and engagement features include:

Complex projects: Creation Crate challenges children with intricate electronic projects, promoting deep engagement. 

Practical application: By working on projects with real-world applications, children see the relevance of what they're learning.

While each of these STEM kit creators uses unique methods to engage young minds, the common goal is to make learning fun, interactive, and memorable. In the next section, we'll delve into the quality of components used in these kits and how they impact the learning experience.

Component quality

The quality of components within STEM kits can significantly influence the learning experience. 

CircuitMess: Premium electronics for young innovators

CircuitMess takes pride in the quality of the electronic components. Our kits feature real electronic parts, ensuring that children work with authentic materials. CircuitMess component quality can be seen in two ways: 

Durability: High-quality components are robust and less likely to break, allowing for a longer-lasting learning experience. They work just as imagined and go through rigorous testing before we even deliver them to your doorstep.

Real-world learning: Using genuine electronic parts mirrors real-life electronics, preparing kids for future endeavors. Each of the parts and components can be found in your everyday devices — and that’s exactly what you’ll be building with our STEM kits. 

CircuitMess uses best quality parts and components

KiwiCo: Thoughtful materials for creative exploration

KiwiCo carefully selects materials for its crates, focusing on safety and educational value. While these components may not be that durable, KiwiCo makes it up with its affordable pricing. KiwiCo’s numerous kits offer: 

Safe exploration: Their components are designed to be child-friendly, ensuring that kids can engage with the materials without concerns about safety hazards.

Varied materials: KiwiCo's kits often include a variety of materials, from lightweight wood to paper, which can expose children to diverse crafting and building experiences

Mel Science: Precise chemicals for safe experiments

Mel Science provides high-quality chemicals for its chemistry kits, prioritizing safety and educational effectiveness. They place a large emphasis on:

High-quality chemicals and equipment: They offer real scientific-grade materials, ensuring that kids can perform authentic experiments. This authentic experience is valuable for learning and understanding scientific concepts.

Comprehensive safety measures: They include clear safety guidelines and precautions in their kits to ensure that kids can conduct experiments safely.

Creation Crate: High-quality tech components

Creation Crate sources top-notch tech components for its electronic projects, offering authentic learning experiences. When describing their components, we can easily say they focus on: 

Reliability: Creation Crate's components are known for their reliability. They consistently perform well and withstand the rigors of experimentation, making them a dependable choice for young learners.

Comprehensive variety: Creation Crate offers an extensive range of electronic components in their kits, including resistors, capacitors, LEDs, sensors, and more. 

How much do they cost? 

When considering STEM kits, understanding their pricing and overall value is crucial for parents. Let's dive into the pricing structures and the value offered by CircuitMess, KiwiCo, Mel Science, and Creation Crate.

How much do all CircuitMess STEM kits cost

CircuitMess: Affordable education with a focus on electronics

Even though our products aren’t the cheapest (and that’s for a reason), our aim is to provide you with massive value and support along the way — from video tutorials, step-by-step guides, and constant online support to high-quality devices you can use in your everyday life after you build them. Need a phone? Why not make it yourself? Want to play a game? You can build your own game console

Since we offer 2 different STEM subscriptions, here’s how much they each cost: 

Wacky Robots subscription can cost you from $30.75/box to $37.99/box, depending on your subscription plan.

STEM Box subscription can cost you from $87.25/box up to $109.99/box, also depending on which subscription plan you choose. 

KiwiCo: Varied offerings for different budgets

KiwiCo offers a range of crates with varying price points. Their crates typically range from $23.95 to $43.90 per month, catering to different budgets. 

Most monthly subscriptions, like Koala Crate, Kiwi Crate, Atlas Crate, Yummy Crate, Tinker Crate, and Doodle Crate, will cost you $23.95 per month. 

Now, if you're into Maker Crate and Eureka Crate, those are $32.95 per month. 

And Panda Crate, which ships every two months, is priced at $43.90 per crate. 

However, if you're looking to save some bucks, consider a 3, 6, or 12-month subscription for a per-crate discount of up to almost 20%!

Mel Science: STEM education with affordable pricing

Since Mel Science offers 6 different subscription lines for different age groups — each of these DIY kits comes with a different price tag. 

If you’re looking to get one of the Mel Science kits, that will cost you anywhere from $29.90/box to $64.90/box. And this largely depends on the subscription you choose. 

The most expensive kit they offer is their Mel MED subscription (up to $64.90/box), while you can get their Math and STEM kits for as little as $29.90/box.

Creation Crate: High-quality tools and components for an affordable price

Creation Crate’s pricing works a bit differently. Since they offer 4 different STEM boxes, let’s go through each one: 

For start, you can get your hands on their Electronics Beginner kit for as little as $29.99/box (or $39.99/box if you’re paying monthly). 

Their Electronics Challenger, unlike the previous one, is more like a set of 4 individual projects you can choose at any time — and they each cost $49.99. Or, you can get all 4 of them at once for $159.96. 

Their Engineering kit is not really a subscription, but a 3-project course. You can choose to get 1 project per month for $99.99 + shipping or get all 3 at once for $299.99 with free shipping. 

Lastly, the Chemistry kit also has 2 different pricing options. The first option is to get 2 experiments per month for $39.99/month + 25 starter kit one-time charge + shipping. The second option is to get all 20 experiments at once for $359.99, including free shipping and a free starter kit. 

What’s the right STEM kit for your kids? 

As you navigate the vast landscape of STEM kits, you might find yourself wondering which one is the perfect fit for your child. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer.

The right STEM kit is the one that resonates with your child's interests and sparks their curiosity.

It's the kit that makes them jump out of bed in the morning, eager to tackle the next exciting project. It's the kit that turns learning into an adventure and transforms your home into a science lab, a coding studio, or an engineering workshop.

Whether your child dreams of building robots, conducting chemistry experiments, or coding their own games, there's a STEM kit out there waiting to inspire them. It's the kit that aligns with their age, skill level, and interests. It's the kit that makes learning fun, interactive, and memorable.

Start by exploring the options, considering your child's age and interests, and assessing the educational content, interactivity, and component quality. 

Think about your budget and what value you expect from the kit. Seek recommendations, read reviews, and involve your child in the decision-making process.

Remember, the goal is to ignite your child's passion for STEM fields, setting them on a path of discovery, creativity, and problem-solving. The right STEM kit isn't just a toy; it's a gateway to a world of endless possibilities, where learning is an exciting journey, and every experiment is a step toward a brighter future.

]]> 2023-07-18T17:10:57+02:00 2024-04-22T15:09:27+02:00 7 Strategies to Reduce Your Kid’s Screen Time Albert Gajšak We all know it - too much screen time for kids is harmful. And the only way to avoid this harm is to reduce your kids' screen time. In this blog post, we dive into practical tips and strategies that can help you protect your kids from too much harmful screen time.

Read the blog post and learn exactly what you can do, how to do it, and what kind of help CircuitMess can provide. 


We all know it - too much screen time for kids could easily be harmful. And if you're reading this post, it seems you're well aware of that.

But do you know just how much time your kids are spending in front of a screen?

This may be a bit shocking. Kids ages 8-18 spend almost 8 hours in front of a screen every day.

With screens everywhere, it's become challenging to monitor your kid's screen time. And to make things even more complicated - some screen time can be educational and help your kids gain new skills.

The key is in finding balance. Here's everything you'll need to know about how to reduce screen time and encourage more screen-free activities.

Does too much screen time negatively affect your kids?

The short answer is - yes, it does. But how exactly?

Research shows that excessive screen time can lead to obesity and binge-eating disorder.

Mayo Clinic even found that letting your kid spend too much time in front of a screen is directly linked to:

  • Violent outbursts
  • Delay in child's language and social skill development
  • Decreased attention span
  • Insufficient sleep time due to blue light exposure
  • Less time spent learning
  • Behavioral problems

Keep in mind, your kids can definitely benefit from some screen time, so you wouldn't want to cut it out completely. For example, screen time involving music, movement, and stories can be helpful for your child's development.

But passive screen time mustn't replace screen-free activities - reading, playing, and problem-solving.

There are many ways you can introduce screen time limits, and in this post - we'll provide you with all the tips to reduce your child's screen time. It's easier than you think!

Too much screen time negatively affects kids

How much screen time is recommended by experts?

Knowing how much is too much - that's something you can't go on without. 

The World Health Organization recommends that kids aged 5-17 should have limited screen time with a lot of physical activity mixed in. For kids aged 2-4, they recommend a maximum of 1 hour of screen time, and for even younger children they recommend no screen time at all.

Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics has some straightforward recommendations.

Kids under 18 months

The only case where a kid younger than 18 months should use a screen is when video-chatting. Simple as that.

Kids under 24 months

Their screen time should be severely limited to introducing kids to occasional educational content.

Kids aged 2-5 years

It's recommended to limit screen time to 1 hour per day, all while parents are co-viewing with the kids.

Kids older than 6 years

There is no set screen limits here, but be sure to place consistent limits on media use, types of media consumed, and where it's taking place.

2 types of screen time (passive vs. active)

Remember, not all screen time is inherently bad. Psychologists divide our screen time into 2 categories - passive and active. Here's how they differ.

Active screen time

This is when we learn, strain our minds, do something creative, or even video-chat with someone.

Passive screen time

This is when we don't strain our minds too much, we watch a movie, a YouTube video, or mindlessly scroll through social media apps.

Now, knowing this, you'll definitely want to keep your kids away from passive screen use as much as possible.

And here's how to do it.

How to reduce screen time for your kids

Let's explore some practical tips to reduce your child's screen time and ensure a healthier balance between the virtual and physical worlds.

Tip #1: Set time limits and don’t back down

Setting screen time limits and establishing routines go hand in hand. It's up to you, as a parent, to help your kids know what to do, when to do it, and how often.

In other words, introducing limits and routines will help you incorporate screen time into your kids' lives in a way that suits your family. For example - you might decide that your child can watch TV only between 4 and 5 pm. Or you could decide that they can play on video game consoles for one hour after lunch.

Or simply limit screen use on school days to 30 minutes per day and raise it to one hour on weekends.

Whatever your decision may be - you need to stick to it. Establishing a routine will help you minimize conflict about screen time, but there will still be some pushback from your kids.

To make this a bit easier, here's what you can do:

  • Set your kid's expectations about a screen time session before they start - they need to know what they are allowed to do and for how long.
  • Wisely choose your timing, so you can get kids to stop playing video games or watching TV at a natural breakpoint - like before their bath or meal time.
  • Warn your kids when it's almost time to stop. If they have 10 more minutes left, it would be good to let them know.
  • Help your kids wrap up their screen activities. They might be doing something creative on the computer, but you don't want them to lose their progress.

And a good tip here - if your kid is watching Netflix or using some other similar streaming service, once the episode of a show end, a new one start immediately. Your kids may not even realize that their time is up, so be sure to check if you can switch that off.

Reduce your kids' screen time by setting screen time limits

Tip #2: Remove all screens from your kids’ room

If the screens are out of your sight, you may not be able to fully monitor your child's screen use.

Especially if your kid's room has TVs, video game consoles, cell phones, computers, and other media electronic devices.

This is why you may want to keep all the electronic devices out of your child's bedroom. Of course, this may not work well for older children who are a few years from finishing high school, but instilling positive habits at a young age can work wonders long-term.

Keep in mind - this tip refers to all devices your kids may be tempted to use before they fall asleep.

Some sources may even suggest introducing tech-free zones in your house, but the most important one should be your kid's bedroom since too much screen time can negatively affect sleep.

Tip #3: Monitor what your child is playing and watching

Knowing how your child is spending time with electronic devices is extremely important. Just ask yourself - do you know what your kid is watching, what games are they playing, what kind of content they are consuming? If the answer is no - it's time to change it to "yes".

Keep an eye on what your child is doing and provide support when needed. Help your child understand what you're looking at, interpret things with them, and make sure their screen time is mostly active, not passive.

Even more importantly, this is the perfect opportunity for introducing healthy habits to your kids. Instead of spending time using social media platforms and playing games, why not teach your kid coding or other useful STEM skills?

The potential of a young child is almost incalculable - and it's up to you as parents to guide them towards their best future versions of themselves.

Monitor what your kids are watching during their screen time

Tip #4: Encourage other fun activities

Watching TV and playing video games shouldn't be the only activities your kids find fun and engaging.

There are numerous non-screen activities your kid can enjoy. For example, why not encourage them to take walks, ride bikes, play sports with other children? Or simply - try to spend time with your kids doing something fun.

Here are a few fun activities your kids can do:

  • Work on simple science experiments
  • Enroll in a sports club (or play sports with you on a playfield or in your backyard)
  • Learn a new language
  • Go swimming in a pool
  • Learn how to ride a bike
  • Create some DIY crafts
  • Build their own robots and electronic devices (this is where we come in!)
  • Drawing, coloring, painting
  • Hide-and-seek

There are so many screen-free activities, but we have to end the list somewhere. It's that simple. Kids are generally curious and finding them a new hobby is often easy. Think about what motivates them, what are they looking to get out of their daily interactions, and what kind of activities pique their interests.

In the end, it all depends on your child's age and interests. As your child grows, interests easily change. But you can massively influence their growth and guide them in the right direction.

Encourage fun activities to reduce your kids' screen time

Tip #5: Explain to your kids why you’re setting screen time rules

When you set limits to your kid's screen time, there's one thing that's certain. And that's your kid asking you "But why?"

So, when you get asked why you're setting a time limit, take your time to explain thoroughly - but in a way that's age appropriate. Of course, you won't use the same words talking to a 5-year-old and an 11-year-old.

Help your child understand that every family has their own rules and that their friend's family may have some different rules.

This conversation is crucial to reduce any emotional outbursts and power struggles later. If your child understands why you're setting a time limit, it will be much easier for them to follow these rules.

Tip #6: Invite your kid's friends to visit more often

There's almost no better way to reduce screen time than to have your kids simply play with each other. And yes, this works the other way around too. But for that to happen, you may want to talk with other parents and find out what if they'd like their kids to join in.

When your kid has friends over, the chances that they'll just whip out their phones and scroll TikTok are significantly lower. By simply inviting a few friends to come home, you'll get them to engage in an interactive, physical play.

And if the weather's fine, they could even play some sports outside and build real childhood friendships. That kind of socialization simply can't be replaced with an activity on screen.

What we need to understand is - kids tend to use their screen time to talk with their friends. They may play some video games together, chat, send videos to each other, and so on. And when you decide to reduce their screen time, they get scared that they'll become isolated from their friends.

To avoid this, your best option is to simply invite your kid's friends over to your house to play. And as long that playtime includes physical activity, you're on the right track.

Invite your kids' friends over to play and reduce kids' screen time

Tip #7: Lead by example

Out of curiosity - what's your own screen time?

On average, adults spend 6 hours and 58 minutes every day on screen time. This includes tablets, TVs, smartphones, computers, video games, and other media use. Isn't that a bit too much?

If you live a sedentary lifestyle, this may be somewhat unavoidable. Especially if you're a remote worker who simply cannot avoid excessive screen use.

But still, you want to set a good example for your kids. What can you do?

If the first thing you do once you finish your job is to turn on the TV - your kids will notice that. And if you and your family members are spending time endlessly scrolling on social media, there's a good chance your kids will try to mimic you.

So, why not try something new yourself? Here are a few things you could do to lead by example:

  • Pursue physical activity whenever possible, play sports, lift weights, go on hikes, and whatever seems more attractive than scrolling your social media feed
  • Pick up a new hobby. For example, DIY robotics is a perfect hobby for both you and your kid. Luckily, we've got just what you need to start.
  • Read a book instead of reading on your phone. The reasons are simple - less eyestrain, less blue light, and the smell of a good book.
  • Move conversations over from video calls to a real-life environment. It's great to stay in touch with your friends and family through messaging apps, but nothing beats the good old-fashioned get-together.

Less screen time for the kids = healthier mind and body

If you're still wondering if it's worth setting a screen time limit for your kids, here's what would happen if you do.

For example, the longer toddlers and preschoolers stay away from screens, the more time they have to develop important skills. Simple no-screen activities like playing with toys or playing some imaginary games are incredibly important for kids to learn and build creativity.

And the more their screen time is limited, the more will they enjoy building communication skills, moving their bodies, and resting.

Another research shows that when you monitor your older kids' tech habits (including limiting screen time and discussing their media use), there are significant social, academic, and physical changes for the better.

In this case, researchers were looking for a link between screen time and overall wellness. And guess what happened when parents monitored media use?

  • Children got less exposed to media violence and negative messaging
  • They could sleep more soundly
  • They had a lower body mass index (BMI)
  • Kids performed better at school
  • Their social behavior is enhanced
  • They became less aggressive

These reasons alone are enough to make you act right now. It may not be easy in the beginning, but you need to remind yourself - it's worth it.

Less screen time for kids means healthier mind and body

And we wanted to know how you are dealing with your kids' screen time, So, we ran a survey - and here are the results for one of the questions.

Even though more than one third of parents try to limit their kids' screen time as much as possible, more than 20% of parents don't pay attention to their kids' screen time or they don't know what their kids are doing. 

From these results, we can see that lengthy screen time has become a standard for kids - and we believe it should be monitored, at least to ensure the kids aren't visiting any websites or platforms that may be harmful for them.
Survey results - kids' screen time survey
And kudos to all the parents guiding kids towards educational content! This kind of actions in the kids' early life stages is exactly what paves the way for their future development.

Entertain and educate your kids with CircuitMess

CircuitMess will help you reduce your kids' screen time and guide them while they develop new, invaluable STEM skills. With our educational STEM kits, you can ensure that every time your kid engages in screen time, they learn something new.

We've helped countless parents on their mission to teach their kids future-proof skills - and have a ton of fun along the way.

And to make the decision easier for you, we have created different educational DIY kits for different age groups.

For kids aged 9 and older, you'll find our Wacky Robots subscription to be a perfect introduction to electronics. In this affordable subscription box, your kids will find new tools and equipment to build a new robot every single month.

And for kids aged 11 and older (including you), we've got something even more interesting - the STEM Box. Every 3 months, you'll get a package containing all the parts and instructions you need to build something extremely fun. 

Building and coding your own DIY gaming console seems cool enough? You can do it with your kid in less than a day!

CircuitMess offers educational DIY kits to reduce kids' screen time

There are a ton of benefits to reducing your kid's screen time but replacing that screen time with an exciting, educational DIY project is where your kids start to flourish.

Visit our STEM gifts page and pick the most interesting project you can do with your kids. We guarantee your kids will love it!

]]> 2023-06-03T17:49:44+02:00 2024-04-10T14:17:42+02:00 The next STEM Box - Clockstar, a DIY smartwatch Albert Gajšak Hello everyone,

We are happy to see that you received and successfully assembled your Armstrongs.

We hope that you enjoyed the electronics challenge and that you have a new favorite robot to play with.


The next big thing in the STEM Box subscription is a long-awaited smartwatch called Clockstar!

We are particularly fond of this product, so we wanted to share with you all the awesome features it will have:

  1. This is our first product that will have a gyroscope & a motion sensor
  2. With machine learning, you'll be able to teach Clockstar to perform specific tasks when you perform certain movements
  3. Even though it's a pretty small device, it will have a dual-core processor
  4. You'll be able to connect it to your smartphone via Bluetooth
  5. With multiple watch faces, you'll be able to customize Clockstar and make it your own

You can check out the video below to see Clockstar in action. Of course, just as with all our other products, the best part is - you'll get to build & code it yourself.

Our team is working hard on Clockstar’s development.

We have already received the PCBs

And our design team has created this amazing booklet with all the essential information about Clockstar:

Stay tuned for more updates on Clockstar, and feel free to share the feedback on Armstrong with us.

-Albert & the Crew

]]> 2023-04-13T13:05:03+02:00 2024-04-10T14:13:04+02:00 I apologize for the delays. We have underestimated the amount of time needed to dispatch your Batmobile. You will receive your tracking number in the following eight days. Thank you for your patience. Albert Gajšak Hello everyone,

Firstly, I wanted to personally apologize for the wait.

We are in the middle of the process of dispatching all of your Batmobiles, but we still need some more time to ship all of your orders.

If you haven’t received your tracking number, you will receive it soon.

I understand the wait has been long and disappointing, and I know you are eagerly awaiting your orders.

I underestimated the amount of time needed to dispatch all of the orders.

We have been working tirelessly for the last few weeks packing all the orders and dispatching them to different parts of the world.

The main issues that caused delays were due to:

1. The complexity of the different product variations - we have designed many additional upsells and Batmobile models in this Kickstarter campaign, but we have failed to anticipate the added logistical complexity that this will bring into the delivery of the product.

2. Some of our shipping partners are having unexpected delays due to the volume of the orders we’ve shipped in - i.e., the Amazon warehouses we’re using to deliver the products to some countries.

3. Some shipping companies have revised their requirements for paperwork for products with Li-Po batteries. These added requirements required us to adapt and produce more paperwork than what we had been anticipating at the beginning of the project

I understand this is not your concern and that you want your products as fast as possible. I just wanted to communicate what’s happening in our HQ transparently and honestly.

Rest assured that we are doing everything possible to deliver your products as fast as possible.
We’re working double shifts, weekends, and I’m personally packing your Batmobiles as well.

Once again, I apologize for the delays and the disappointment caused by the wait.

I genuinely believe that you will be happy with the product once you get it on your doorstep, and I ask for just a bit more patience until we fulfill all the orders.

The current plan/timeline we’re working towards - the tracking numbers will be sent to all Kickstarter and Indiegogo backers and our webshop preorder customers by April 21st (next Friday).

Thank you for your support and patience.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Keep an eye on your email,
Albert & The Crew

]]> 2023-03-22T13:09:46+01:00 2024-04-22T15:08:49+02:00 Why Are STEM Toys Important? Albert Gajšak Investing in STEM toys is crucial for children's development, helping them to develop critical skills such as creativity, problem-solving, concentration, teamwork, and collaboration. CircuitMess's range of STEM toys is designed to provide children with fun, engaging, and educational experiences that will prepare them for a bright future. These toys foster a love for learning, teaching children to think outside the box, adapt to new situations, and learn from failure. Invest in CircuitMess STEM toys and give your child the gift of education and play.



As parents, we all want our children to succeed in life. We want them to be happy and healthy and to have the skills they need to achieve their dreams. Investing in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) toys is essential.

At CircuitMess, we believe that STEM toys are the key to unlocking your child’s full potential. Our range of fun, engaging, and educational toys are designed to help children develop critical skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Here’s why STEM toys are essential for your child’s development:

  1. STEM Toys Teach Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills
  2. STEM Toys Improve Concentration and Focus
  3. STEM Toys Teach Teamwork and Collaboration
  4. STEM Toys Develop Critical Skills for the Future
Wacky Robot STEM toys

1. STEM Toys Teach Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

STEM toys are designed to be both fun and educational. They encourage children to think creatively, use their imagination, and solve problems. CircuitMess's toys allow children to explore, experiment, and build their gadgets, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.

For example, children can learn about robotics and programming with Armstrong by building their robotic arm. They can use their imagination to design and program Armstrong for specific tasks, fostering their creativity and problem-solving skills. However, they must also be cautious while building and programming it to ensure it functions properly.

Armstrong robotic arm stem toy

2. STEM Toys Improve Concentration and Focus

STEM toys require children to focus on the task, improving their concentration. Children learn to concentrate better, block out distractions, and complete tasks by dedicating their attention to a particular project. CircuitMess toys are designed to keep children engaged and focused on the project.

Father and daughter building STEM toys

3. STEM Toys Teach Teamwork and Collaboration

STEM toys encourage teamwork, and children work together to solve problems. In doing so, they learn how to collaborate, communicate and compromise with others. CircuitMess toys provide an excellent opportunity for children to work together and learn from each other.

Kids playing with STEM toys

CircuitMess kit bundles
are an excellent option for parents looking to promote teamwork and collaboration among their children. With multiple products included, the bundles allow more kids to work together on projects, fostering their communication and cooperation skills. This can make for a fun and educational next
play date activity. The children can learn from each other and work towards a common goal with the help of CircuitMess STEM toys. Find the perfect bundle for the next play date here!

Best STEM toys for a play date

4. STEM Toys Develop Critical Skills for the Future

STEM skills are in high demand in the workforce. STEM toys help children develop skills that they will need in the future, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning. They also teach children to learn from failure, think outside the box, and adapt to new situations. CircuitMess toys are designed to develop these critical skills in children, preparing them for a bright future.

Kids learning with STEM toys

Why Choose CircuitMess STEM Toys?

CircuitMess STEM toys are an excellent investment for parents who want to help their children develop critical skills for the future. These toys are fun and engaging and provide children with the tools they need to succeed in the future.

With CircuitMess STEM toys, children can foster a love for learning and prepare themselves for a bright future. Invest in CircuitMess STEM toys today and give your child the gift of education and play! 

Best STEM toys for kids


]]> 2023-03-10T10:48:09+01:00 2024-04-10T14:18:04+02:00 Batmobile in-person event 18.3.2023. - last call Albert Gajšak Hello everyone,

The Batmobile adventure is coming to an end.

Almost all of the components are in our warehouse and currently being prepared by our team:

  • All electronic parts for Batmobile & Batcontroller
  • Casings and plastics
  • Motors
  • Boxes and other packaging

In the next few days, we’ll receive the printed instruction booklets

Test all of the PCBs

…and pack all of the boxes.

Next week marks the start of the Batmobile delivery, which we've all been waiting for.

Keep an eye on your email because the tracking links will be sent shortly!


Don't forget that we'll be holding an in-person event in Zagreb next Saturday (18.3.2023), where you can pick up your Batmobile.

It will take place at HUB385 in Zagreb (Croatia), and it will begin at 1 p.m. and end at 5 p.m.

We planned a lot of fun activities, cool workshops, and much more.

If you want to come, please fill out this form so we can add you to our list and save a seat for you.

PS. Batman himself might be coming to the event as well 🤫🤫

If you have any questions, please contact us at

See you soon,
Albert & The Team

]]> 2023-02-21T14:58:56+01:00 2024-04-22T15:08:39+02:00 How Can STEM Kits Help You to Boost a 12-Year-Old's Confidence? Albert Gajšak

Self-confidence is one of the most important aspects of our well-being.

Although many people think it is more difficult for adults to maintain self-confidence because they have more responsibilities, and it is easy for children because they are more carefree, this is not true.

Children still need to learn about themselves and their interests. It can be difficult for them to cope with failure, so their self-confidence is even more compromised.

That is why a parent is the first pillar of a child's self-confidence, who should carefully help him gain self-confidence.

In what ways should a parent help a child develop self-confidence? With positive speech and adequate praise, the parent should encourage the child to find his passion and engage in new activities.

All this seems very logical, but you know how it is with children; sometimes, even the most logical things can be difficult.

Especially when they are at that age, they become a little more complex than they were a few years ago.

But we have just the thing for you, and that's a little STEM magic that can help you in your task of boosting your child's confidence.

How this is possible, find out further in the article.

How to Boost a 12-Year-Old's Confidence? 5 Major Tips

12-year-olds are not teenagers yet. In fact, they belong to the group of preteens or tweens.

However, this does not prevent them from adopting the characteristics of teenagers, such as the need for greater independence from their parents, thinking about their future, searching for things that will fulfill them, and so on.

Your role as a parent is to be a guide on that path, and here's how:

1. Talk to Your Kid in a Certain Way

What is engraved in our brains and follows us throughout our lives are the words of our parents.

How did your parents talk to you? Let's say your parents told you you are not good enough for something.

Those memories can stay with us and create deep beliefs that we are not good at something.

If this is the case, it is up to you not to repeat your parents' mistakes but to empower your child with words instead.

Of course, this does not mean that you should let the child do whatever he wants, even though it is bad for him, but that is why you are there to explain what is bad for him.

We know you still see your child as your own baby, but he is 12 years old, and you should address him with an age-appropriate tone.

2. Explain to Your Child That Failure is Part of Life

Don't be one of those perfectionist parents who teach kids that they have to win at everything.

Let's say your kid had a bad baseball game, don't tell him things like how he played terribly, how he's not going to be a good player, that's the worst thing you can do.

Instead, explain to him what he can change to improve his game.

The child should learn that failures are a part of life and that we should learn from them.

Do not set unrealistic goals for the child, which will burden him. Instead, establish realistic goals that you can celebrate when your child reaches them.

3. Be Careful With Praise

As we have already said, it is essential to compliment your child on his efforts. And that's the most crucial thing: praise the effort and not just the outcome.

There is no point in praising him for everything he does because that way, he will lose the feeling of a well-done job. This can cause problems for him later in life because he expects constant praise, and we know it doesn't always go that way.

4. Encourage Your Child to Pursue His Interests

Every child is unique and has their own interests.

Surely there is something that interests your kid, whether it's technology, music, art, or whatever, it's important that he shows an affinity for it.

Children often send cues that they are good at something without us noticing. Maybe your child is sending you signs that he is interested in engineering, but you need to notice.

5. Encourage New Opportunities

Although your child already shows some interest, you must allow him to expand his range of interests.

Children at that age are still looking for themselves and their direction in life. That's why they sometimes fall into a mood where they are not interested in anything.

Encourage the child to try new activities and experiences, whether a new sport, club, or hobby. This can help build their confidence as they learn new skills and accomplish new challenges.

Why are DIY STEM Kits an Excellent Choice For Boosting Children's Self-Confidence?

When does a person usually feel most confident?

Usually, it comes when we do something successfully and make something with our hands, but most of all, it comes when we are happy and satisfied with what we do.

Our STEM kits for kids and teens are based on the fact that your child can assemble the product by himself and then use it.

We know your kid is 12 years old and probably feels too grown up to play with the toys anymore. Know that our products are also used by adults to enter the world of electronics as a hobby.

Our recommendation is the STEM Box for ages 11+. When you choose a subscription, a new project comes to your address, and your kid starts assembling the product to be able to use it.

In this way, the child learns to follow instructions and to be patient, and in the end, when he successfully completes the project, he gets a huge confidence boost.

Maybe toys are lame to your child, but what about the terms like robotics and coding? Ok, it's not lame for him, but he's not too interested. How about video games and music? That already sounds like something that will interest your kid.

In that case, we have to suggest our Music Bundle, with which your kid will feel like a real DJ. With this kit, your child will learn terms such as:

  • Coding in C++ & CircuitBlocks
  • What are sound waves & how to produce them
  • Editing sound recordings
  • How to code custom sound effects & light shows

If you think that video games interest your child more, but you still don't want him to spend the whole day in front of the screen, we got you covered. 

Our Gaming Bundle will satisfy the needs of a young gamer, but at the same time, teach him a few things about graphics and character animation and allow him to make his own games. How cool is that?

To Conclude - STEM is That Perfect Ingredient for Gaining Confidence

A confident child is a happy child.

STEM kits can be an excellent way for children to build their confidence and develop important skills.

Look at our detailed offer, and you will find something that can help your child to boost his self-confidence. Good luck!

]]> 2023-01-14T15:42:38+01:00 2024-04-22T15:07:58+02:00 5 Best Screen-free Activities For 10-Year-Olds Albert Gajšak

As much as there is talk about the harmfulness of screen time for children and adults, spending time in front of the screen is a reality we cannot escape.

Therefore, it is challenging today to limit children's screen time when you also spend much time in front of the screen.

The best way to reduce your child's time in front of the screen is to offer him enough fun, screen-free activities to keep him occupied and entertained.

Good old screen-free fun has not gone out of fashion, and in this article, we will give you various fun suggestions for your child.

We even have amazing products that will provide a great alternative to screen time, but more on that in the article, so keep on reading.

Why is Too Much Screen Time Bad For Kids?

By screen time, we mean the time spent on the phone, computer, and TV.

For your child, this usually means time spent on social media, playing online video games, and binging their favorite cartoons on Netflix.

These are all normal things today, so what's the problem?

The problem occurs when children spend too much time in front of screens.

So much time that everything else becomes boring to them, and that's how we get into various problems, even addictions, such as phone addiction.

Usual problems regarding too much screen time are:

Sleep deprivation - Children often choose to play video games or watch Tik Toks rather than sleep. 

But even when they want to sleep, they will not be able to fall asleep because excessive stimulation before going to sleep does not allow the brain to "turn off" and rest.

Obesity: Screen time means very little or no physical activity unless the kids play some VR games where they actually have to move and physically participate. 

Because of this lack of physical activity, weight gain and child obesity can occur. If children eat unhealthy snacks during the time they spend in front of the screen, the chances are even higher.

Decreased interest in off-screen activities: The child becomes less engaged in their real-time environment. Because of this, grades in school can drop drastically, and interest in hobbies that don't involve screens can suddenly stop.

Decrease in communication and social skills: Although children today socialize through social networks and games, there must be real-life socialization and conversation in their lives.

How to Limit The Time Children Spend in Front of The Screen?

It's impossible to ban screen time for kids completely, and you shouldn't try.

Smartphones and modern video gaming consoles are great things, and it is normal for children to be interested in them.

If you think your child spends too much time in front of the screen, you should limit that time.

Setting healthy limits is the key; here are some tips on how to do it:

1. Determine How Much Time Daily Your Kid is Allowed to Be On Screens

How much does your child spend a day on the phone or playing video games a day?

Any parent will say too much.

Let's look at some numbers that may shock you.

Since your child is a ten-year-old, we take into account the statistics for that age.

The maximum screen time for a 10-year-old kid should be 1-2 hours, 2 hours on weekends.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average daily hours on screens for 10-year-olds is 6 hours.

The older the child, the higher the numbers.

2. Let Your Child Know That Responsibilities Come First

Ok, your child agrees with your rule about 1-2 hours of screen time daily, but there is one catch.

A child must finish his chores, homework, sports activities, and household chores, and only then can he enjoy Xbox, YouTube, Tik Tok, etc.

3. Set an Example For Your Child

If you are constantly in front of the screen, you cannot ask your child otherwise.

You don't always have to check the phones, especially during lunch or dinner when the whole family is at the table.

What's the point of everyone looking at their phones instead of talking about their day?

We know that everyone loves TV diners, and they think that food tastes better while watching TV, but it's still better to talk to each other than to stare at the TV while eating.

4. Encourage Your Child to Enjoy Non-screen Activities

You have to offer your child alternatives to those magical but addictive screens.

It can seem tough, but we have great suggestions and awesome STEM kits for kids to help you do it.

What Are The Best Screen-free Activities For 10-Year-Olds?

A ten-year-old child has entered the teenage years, so he can get angry with you if you treat him like a small child.

Here are some great non-screen activities for 10-year-olds:

1. Engage in Sports Activities

Sports and physical activity are always good choices.

Whatever sport you choose, you won't go wrong; the only thing that matters is that your child likes it.

And yes, don't be lazy and refuse to play catch with your kid when you get home from work.

2. Go on Field Trips

Even though your child sometimes seems glued to the screen, take him somewhere you haven't been before.

A good suggestion for that is a museum or a theater.

We know that it is often thought that children are not interested in such things, but that is a mistake.

You can also spend quality time in some beautiful nature near your home.

3. Get Artsy and Musical

Art is always a good choice for creative expression.

Coloring, drawing, painting, sculpturing, whatever your child likes the most.

Maybe an artist is hiding in him, waiting to be discovered.

And music is an art so you can buy your child an instrument.

Just don't complain if he plays too loud.

4. Cook Together

Cooking is always a practical skill your child will surely need.

You don't have to complicate it with complex recipes; just the basic ones are enough.

5. Encourage Your Child to Participate in Household Chores

Housework can be boring, but it's also a part of life.

The more your child is involved in them, the more he will grow into a responsible adult who knows how to take care of himself.

Also, get your child involved when doing a project around the house, such as some house repairs.

Why Are DIY STEM Kits Perfect For Your Kid?

We are exceptionally pleased to be able to offer you a product that will answer everything you need to separate your child from the screen.

Why are we so sure?

What can be concluded from all these suggestions is that the child should be offered something that will spark his imagination, make him curious, entertain him, and teach him new skills.

If you agree, then our products are the perfect choice for your child.

By combining STEM education and DIY projects, we have come up with great results that kids love.

You probably know how important STEM education is for children, not only to acquire skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

STEM education is essential for acquiring practical skills such as following instructions, critical thinking, working in a team, thinking about new ideas, etc.

Our products work by you selecting a STEM box or Bundle from our gift shop.

The product arrives at your home address in parts.

Although that seems confusing, this is the point.

While assembling the product following the detailed, easy-to-follow instructions, your child learns various new skills.

And, of course, there is that rewarding feeling when your child manages to put together his first DIY project.

Small successes like this boost your child's confidence and desire for further learning.

Our products stimulate children's curiosity and desire to learn, all in a fun way.

Through fun, your child will learn about the terms such as robots, programming, coding, and similar.

Also, don't worry about the child's socialization because our products encourage teamwork.

And you know yourself that creativity is contagious.

We have to suggest some of our favorites that can be the perfect gift for your child, namely:

Wacky Robots STEM Box - this fantastic set of robots will teach your child about the world of electronics. Each robot is a story in itself, and there are also collectible trading cards.


Music Bundle - is your child interested in music? This bundle can allow him to be a DJ and master of the best synths. Everything you need for a future music star is here.

Gaming Bundle - we know you're thinking about cutting down on your kid's gaming time, but this is different. The point is that your kid builds his own console and then codes video games onto it. This is a unique approach to video games, gaming but in a CircuitMess way.

We hope you've found something you think your child will love and that STEM magic will make him want to spend less screen in front of the screens.

]]> 2023-01-14T15:16:57+01:00 2024-04-22T15:08:17+02:00 How Can STEM Kits Help You Engage a 9-year-old Kid at Home? Albert Gajšak

Your 9-year-old child will soon become a teenager, and you can already see a change in his behavior.

9-year-olds are maturing emotionally and becoming more cognitively advanced.

That's all great, but you've noticed that it's increasingly difficult to engage your child in something because he has mood swings, and his interests often change.

This is normal, but as a good parent, you want your child's day to be filled with activities that will keep him engaged and happy.

How to engage a 9-year-old kid? It is best to offer him something fun, educational, and rewarding that will keep him entertained.


Our STEM kits for kids are perfect for that, and we'll explain why in this article.

What Are The Characteristics of 9-year-olds?

We do not want to generalize, each child is unique for himself, but we will explain some universal characteristics of 9-year-olds.

Your child is not so little anymore, he will soon become a teenager, and you have already noticed changes in his behavior.

You first notice that your kid is much more mature and his way of thinking has changed.

But don't be surprised; a 9-year-old kid can become tired, moody, and charge interest daily.

You can no longer tell him some of the stories that worked when he was a small child.

Your kid is probably starting to doubt the existence of Santa.

In this period, the child begins to develop his personality more and to look for his interests.

Therefore, he needs to be offered opportunities to find what works for him.

Why is it Hard For Kids Today to Stay Focused?

The fact that the child is older and more mature does not mean it will be easier to maintain focus.

 Actually, the kid is even more easily distracted now.

It is characteristic for this age group that their attention span is between 20 and 30 minutes. 

After this, it's time to refocus unless the activity is engaging.

And parents have formidable enemies against them in the fight for children's attention.

These are smartphones, computers, video games, Netflix, etc.

Children today have a vast choice of how to spend their time.

Playing online video games, doing Tik Tok dancing challenges, and binge-watching favorite cartoons all day are things kids love today.

And you know what, let them.

You played classic Nintendo all day in your childhood, like all the kids back then.

Every generation has its own trends, so don't be that parent who is against the things normal to today's children.

How much time do you spend on your smartphone?

You can't expect a child not to do the same.

However, a child of that age should only spend the whole day in front of a screen.

Too much screen time can lead to obesity, vision problems, chronic neck and back pain caused by physical inactivity, and lower test scores.

In more extreme cases, addiction is also possible, such as phone addiction.

How to Engage a 9-year-old Kid at Home?

Despite all these modern distractions, you can still get your child to use their time more productively.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Offer Non-screen Games That You Can Play Together

Where have the good old board games or card games gone?

We know they're not trendy anymore, and they can't compete with all the cool stuff today.

They may not be trendy, but board games never go out of style.

Board games encourage quality family time and inspire children to think and strategize.

Risk, Monopoly, and Mystery Clues games will surely interest your child.

As for the card games, Uno is a great suggestion, a quick and simple game that will keep your child's attention.

2. Find Educational Content For Your Child

Just because your child is on the phone doesn't mean he can't do something educational.

You can find him on a YouTube channel that talks about robotics for kids because that can get him interested in robotics.

Platforms for learning new languages ​​are also a good choice.

Anything that isn't just mindless staring at social networks is good.

3. Work Together With Your Child on Some Project

Fixing an appliance in the house or making new bookshelves, it's important that your child is involved.

Let him watch you work first; later, your kid can try with your supervision.

This way, the child will learn something new and develop new abilities by watching you.

Why Are Our STEM Kits Perfect For Child Engagement at Home?

Our STEM kits for kids are based on fun and education.

What better way for children to learn something new than through fun?

Our products come in parts because we believe that the DIY approach sparks interest in children and awakens new skills in them.

We have the perfect product for your child, the Wacky Robots STEM kit, designed for ages 9+.


Bob, Capacitron, Mr. Bee, Marv, and Resistron, these amusing robots will help your child dive into the world of electronics.

Your child will definitely be engaged while trying to assemble the robot, following the instructions.

This STEM kit will primarily keep your child entertained but also teach him various concepts related to electronics.

Those terms are LEDs, capacitors, unbalanced motors, pushbuttons, switches, resistance, etc.

When a child is curious about something, then the attention span increases. 

Our STEM kits are designed to stimulate curiosity and creativity in children. 

Your child may have a successful engineering career one day and cites Wacky Robots as a first influence.

Kids lose interest in something when they get it all at once.

That's why we decided to offer our STEM kit as a subscription so that when you subscribe, your new robot of the month arrives at your address.

Oh yes! We also added collector cards with each robot so your child would be motivated to collect them all.

You can check our complete offer here

We believe that you will find something that will occupy your kid, teach him something new, and awaken new skills that will be useful in his life.

]]> 2023-01-14T14:58:31+01:00 2024-04-22T15:07:49+02:00 How Long Should a 10-year-old Play Video Games Per Day? Albert Gajšak

There are different studies on whether video games are harmful to kids or not.

According to most parents, video games are harmful.

But parents who think video games are bad were probably told by their parents that television was bad.

And no one mentions the harmfulness of television for children anymore. 

Video games and mobile phones are mostly the targets of such accusations.

But is there an optimal amount of time for children to play video games daily without consequences?

When answering that question, we must consider the child's age and approach to other responsibilities, such as school and physical activity.


You understand this, and you don't want to be the parent don't allow his child to play video games, but you also feel that your child should not spend too much time in front of the screen.

We have the perfect product for you that perfectly answers your wishes and keeps your kid entertained at the same time.

That product is our STEM kit CircuitMess Gaming Bundle where your child creates their own video game. How cool is that?

But we have to go deeper into the topic so that it will be more apparent to you how Gaming Bundle can help you and your child.

Are Video Games Harmful to Kids?

We'll answer that frequently asked question right away.

Yes, it's true; video games can be harmful to children.

But you know what else can be harmful? Drinking too much water and even eating too much broccoli.

How can broccoli be harmful when it is the epitome of health, and we always force children to eat broccoli.

We know you don't believe us, but huge amounts of broccoli can have a negative effect on your health.

It goes without saying that these are enormous quantities.

Why are we talking about broccoli when the topic is video games?

The point is that absolutely too much of anything can be harmful, including video games.

Unfortunately, video games can be so much fun that kids neglect homework to play video games as much as possible.

And because of long night gaming sessions, children lose precious sleep, which is very important for their development.

Also, so much exposure to the screen can damage vision, and lack of physical activity can lead to obesity.

How Much Gaming is Too Much?

Your kid is ten years old, and you're wondering how much time a day is okay for him to play video games.

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, that time should be under 30 to 60 minutes per day on school days and 2 hours or less on non-school days.

These numbers should be even lower when it comes to younger children.

If your child follows this video game schedule, there will be no problem.

But we know that children often do not respect this.

Especially kids who are already teenagers and are no longer the cute little obedient children they were when they were younger.

According to the parent survey, adolescent boys spend around three hours a day playing video games.

We will agree that these numbers are considerable and can disturb your child regarding healthy sleep, social interaction, homework, etc.

In more extreme cases, video gaming addiction can also occur.

While the majority of gamers in the world play casually, there is also a small portion where addiction can occur.

Typical signs of video gaming addiction in children are:

  • Playing video games for a considerable number of hours daily
  • Neglecting responsibilities such as school, household chores, and even personal hygiene
  • Loss of interest in hobbies they used to enjoy
  • Constantly talking about your favorite games
  • Lying about time spent gaming
  • Irritability at the mention of a reduction in playing video games
  • Excessive spending of money on new video games and in-game currencies

Does Playing Video Games Have Any Benefits For Your Child?

It is finally time to defend video games in this article.

According to the development of the video gaming industry, various studies are being conducted on the harm and benefits of video games.

Did you know that gaming may be associated with better cognitive performance in children?

study of nearly 2,000 children found that children who reported playing video games for three hours per day or more performed better on cognitive skills tests involving impulse control and working memory than children who had never played video games.

What skills can video games improve in children:

Creativity - it is clear that a child develops imagination and creativity when exploring all those fantastic gaming worlds.

Memory - all special moves must be memorized when playing fighting games.

Patience - we don't mean waiting for loading screens only, but patience for the right move at the right moment.

Social skills - although many consider video games anti-social activities, the reality is much different. Through gaming, children socialize with each other in the game or in real life.

3 Tips for Establishing Healthy Gaming Habits for Kids

It is clear to everyone that the gaming industry is increasingly present in our children's lives.

You can't expect them to just stop being interested in video games when all the kids around them love gaming.

But some healthy habits regarding gaming can be established, namely:

1. Set Clear Limits

We know many parents have no limits for their children regarding video games or the time their kids spend on the phone.

You don't want to be a strict parent, especially to a child who has already become a teenager, but some limits must be known.

Set precisely how many video games your child can play per day, and make sure your child respects that.

And yes, remember that gaming can only happen when your child finishes all other responsibilities.

2. Take an Interest in Games Your Child is Playing

Have you heard stories about how violent video games can make violent kids?

Take your time and look at what your child is playing.

We live in a time when the mature rating is clearly displayed on everything, including video games.

You certainly don't want your child to watch an overly violent movie; it's the same with games.

3. Offer Positive Reinforcement for Non-gaming Activities 

Sports activities, social games, and even helping you in the garage are all activities that can really mean a lot to your child.

We are CircuitMess, and we have just the thing for your 10-year-old.

How Are STEM Kits For Kids Related to Gaming?


Our STEM kits improve the same skills as gaming.

Through putting together our amazing STEM projects, children learn patience, creativity, curiosity, problem-solving, and similar skills that will help them in life.

All this sounds like Minecraft, only better.

Still not convinced your child would like it?

Our CircuitMess Gaming Bundle is just the thing for your little gamer.

This fantastic gaming bundle allows your child to build their own console from scratch.

Handheld consoles come in parts, and it's up to your child to put them together to play the cool games we've specially selected.

And it is possible to make and code your own games.

Children interested in video games may later become interested in engineering and robotics, and our product combines all these.

Let's take a look at what's included in the CircuitMess Gaming Bundle:

1. Nibble (Educational DIY Game Console)

Nibble is an educational tool disguised as a retro game console.

Assembling Nibble is easy, and we have many guides to help your child.

For this console, we've selected 4 classic games you can't go wrong with - Bonk, Invaderz, Snake, and SpaceRocks. Not just that, you can even code your own games in CircuitBlocks code editor.

This can be a great first step to getting your child interested in programming.

2. ByteBoi (An Advanced DIY Game Console)

ByteBoi is our pride and joy.

Imagine the charm of the good old Game Boy, but with the ability to make your own games.

You will learn how to assemble your own gaming device, how video game consoles work, how to code your own video game, and how to animate characters and simulate physics in a video game.

We already programmed some games on ByteBoi based on the biggest gaming classics, but with our own twist.

ByteBoi can be connected to the Internet and is compatible with our Wheelson.

3. CircuitPet (DIY Virtual Pet)

Your kid is too young, but you surely remember the Tamagotchi and what a hit it was with the kids back in the day.

Since we loved Tamagotchi when we were kids, we decided to let today's kids feel what it's like to have a virtual pet.

First, you assemble this unique pet, and the possibilities are huge.

You can feed it, pet it, and we've added some cool modern features like collecting XP and leveling, as well as some games your pet can play.

As you can see, we were gamers too when we were kids(some members of our team still are), and we know this is the perfect product that can interest your gamer kid.

We also have monthly subscriptions for our STEM Kits. You can see our complete gift shop here.

]]> 2023-01-14T14:45:11+01:00 2024-04-22T15:08:08+02:00 How to Motivate a 12-Year-Old Daughter Who is Not Interested in Anything? Albert Gajšak

No parent likes their child to lose interest in anything, but we'll tell you right now that it's not unusual.

Twelve-year-olds have already entered their teenage years, and puberty is hitting hard.

Teens are no longer those cute little kids that were easy to deal with.

They are now more complex personalities, looking for their interests and place under the sun.

But they are still children, and since your daughter is also going through that period, you wonder how you can help her.

The best thing you can do to help your twelve-year-old daughter find her interests is not to force anything on her, to listen and understand her, but also to offer her some options that might interest her.

In this article, we will explain why we have the perfect product for you and your daughter, so keep on reading.

Why is My Daughter Lazy and Unmotivated?

You probably want to tell her, "When I was your age..." but don't because that will only create the opposite effect.

This kind of mood among teenagers is not rare.

They are still unsure what their interests are and where they see themselves in the future, although this is when fears about the future appear.

Such overwhelming thoughts can lead to a loss of interest in the things that have interested them until now, and they can even consider them lame and childish.

In more extreme cases, it can lead to lazy child syndrome.

This syndrome is characterized by laziness and a total loss of motivation in children.

However, more significant problems can hide behind them, such as anxiety, depression, and lack of self-worth, which are even bigger reasons to help your child.

Naturally, children outgrow some things they used to love when they were younger. 

But if your daughter was interested in science and technology when she was younger, and now she thinks that's lame and boring, why don't you help her reignite that interest? Especially if she's talented at it.

The same goes for other interests, such as sports and music. 

It's not good that teenage grumpiness distracts your daughter from things she enjoyed and was actually good at.

There is also that feeling of rebellious teenage spirit that knows how to sometimes do opposite things just to protest against parents.

How to Motivate Your 12-Year-Old Daughter?

Like any good parent, you want the best for your child.

You want to help your daughter get out of that mood where she is unmotivated and uninterested in everything.

Here are the steps to take:

1. Talk to Your Daughter and Listen to Her Carefully

Although you are annoyed and worried that she may have neglected school and extracurricular activities, do not bombard your daughter with orders.

Instead, talk to her carefully, and listen to what she has to say.

Maybe her teenage problems seem silly to you, but we were all her age once.

Respect that she is no longer a small child but a rebellious teenager, and address her as such.

2. Show That You Believe in Her

Even if her grades are lower in school, show her that you believe in her.

Also, when she opens up and tells you her goals, they may be too abstract and disorganized, but you support her.

Be her support in achieving her goals.

3. Help Your Daughter Achieve Her Goals

Your daughter may have goals and a vision of who she wants to be and what she wants to do.

But she needs to figure out which way to go to achieve them.

You are here to pave the way to her dreams.

If she wants to do engineeringrobotics, or electronics, point her in the right direction toward realizing that goal.

Don't limit her, but also don't set too big goals for her.

You don't want her to feel overwhelmed or stressed if she can't accomplish something.

4. Suggest Some Activities That Will Motivate Her

What are the perfect activities for that?

Anything to help her get out of that unmotivated mood.

The main suggestion is that these should be screen-free activities.

Like all teenagers, your daughter probably spends too much time on her smartphone and social networks.

Sometimes you even fear that she is not addicted to the phone.

We are not saying that smartphones are bad. 

The phone can be related to a hobby, for example, if your daughter is some kind of content creator.

But we'll assume she's not because she's unmotivated and not interested in anything.

That's why you have to find activities that will awaken her motivation.

These can be activities that she loved when she was younger, but also completely new ones.

We have the perfect recommendation for you and your daughter.

How Can STEM Kits For Teens Help Your Daughter Be More Motivated? 

We are glad you reached this part of the article because we have an all-in-one product whose main purpose is motivation. 

In CircuitMess, we are all about creativity, and what better way to get motivated than through creativity.

Since your daughter is 12 years old, the best choice for her would be our STEM Box designed for ages 11+.

How does this all works?

First, you choose a stem kit subscription here

A new project will be delivered to your doorstep every 3 months.

The most popular choice is the annual subscription, but you choose as you wish.

The project arrives at your address in parts but with an easy-to-follow guide, waiting to be put together. 

Your daughter might be confused at first by this kind of gift, but we're sure she'll love it once she tries it. 

Maybe your daughter will think this is for children, but this product has been used by many older people to get into electronics as a hobby.

And what will your daughter learn through this STEM project?

She will learn about video game mechanics, robots and industrial automation, AI and motion detection, IoT and Artificial Intelligence, coding, microcomputers and microprocessors, and much more.

And all that in a fun and engaging way.

There is no better boost for motivation than when we do something with our hands.

This kind of knowledge makes many excellent careers possible, but that is not the only point.

Besides teaching about technology, robotics, programming, and similar, our products help kids develop the skills for solving everyday problems.

The most important thing is that our STEM kits start the motivation for your daughter, and we are sure that they can do that.

]]> 2023-01-05T13:37:10+01:00 2024-04-22T15:07:40+02:00 6 Signs Your Child Will Become an Engineer Albert Gajšak

Does your child love to assemble things? Is your kid too curious about how things work?

And most importantly, does your child like math?

You probably have a little engineer in the making under your roof, and that's a great thing.

Engineering includes a fantastic set of skills that can mean a lot to a growing child.

Since you want to avoid jumping to conclusions about your little engineer, we'll help you with this article and give some tips to support his interest.

My Child Wants to Be an Engineer - 6 Signs

You may have a little genius in the house, and you're not sure about it. 

Here are some of the most common signs that your child wants to be an engineer:

1. Your Child is Curious

All children are curious to some extent, but your child is a whole different story when it comes to that.

Your kid is interested in everything, especially how things work.

How planes fly, vehicles move, and devices work... everything interests your curious kid.

Your child wants to know everything but often has ideas on how things can be improved and made better.

Does that curious kid ask you too many questions daily?

It might sometimes be tiring because you don't have too much time or you don't even know the answers, but you should listen to your child and try to explain the things that interest him in the best way.

2. Your Child Loves to Build Things  

It all started with sand towers on the beach. 

He has always loved to dismantle and assemble every toy on his own.

Then, of course, we moved on to Lego bricks, where your child's creativity has just come to the fore.

You made many Lego wonders together, from medieval castles to futuristic spaceships, and your child enjoyed it.

All engineers started with Legos.

You also noticed that your child enjoys making something of his own.

He makes a big mess while experimenting and building things, but it's all a creative mess.

3. Your Child is Good at Problem Solving

You are sometimes surprised by how your child thinks and solves some problems. 

Your child is not afraid to think outside the box, a characteristic of all great engineers. 

Some children love to solve puzzles, and yours is like that too. 

Children learn to be patient through puzzles and develop the skills to solve problems systematically.

4. Your Child Likes to Be Active  

All children love to be active and play, but they also want to play video games or watch cartoons, sometimes too much.

Your kid likes those things too, but you've noticed that he prefers various activities more.

He approaches everything in a systematic and organized manner.

Yes, he likes to play video games and watch cartoons like any other kid but not all day.

Your child likes his day to be filled with activities and prefers to be outside as much as possible.

If he learns something new during the day, it is the perfect day for your kid.

5. Your Child Likes to Be Part of a Team

Although he knows how to play so much that he seems completely in his own world, your kid has no problem playing with other children.

The characteristic of engineers is that they are team players because they understand the importance of a good team.

So does your kid. He likes being surrounded by other kids, playing together, and exchanging ideas.

The only thing you noticed is that he likes to be a leader in the team, but that is also one of the characteristics of an engineer.

6. Your Child is Great in STEM Classes at School

This is the most obvious sign that you have a little engineer.

And what are the STEM classes in the school?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

All classes in school that include some of the above are part of STEM education.

We don't know your child's age, but he certainly learns mathematics at school.

You know how much children hate math; it's usually complicated and tedious to them.

This is not the case with your child who loves math; you never have to remind him to do his homework.

Your child doesn't think math is nerdy. Instead, he thinks math is cool and amazing.

You Realized That Your Child Likes Engineering - Now What?

Maybe your child told you he wants to be an engineer when he grows up, or you figured it out.

His systematic approach to problems, patience, willingness to experiment and out-of-the-box way of thinking are all clear signs that engineering is the right thing for him.

Engineering is something that many parents would want for their children because it is a promising career.

Just think of all the technological advances available today and what awaits us in the future. 

Who knows, maybe your kid will be a part of some outstanding technological achievements.

But don't make the mistake that many parents make, which is to overload the child.

Your kid has engineering potential, but that doesn't mean he has to stop playing and study engineering stuff the whole day.

A child should remain a child, but with the help of his parents, work in the right way towards developing his skills.

It would be best if you always listened to him, even when he bombards you with questions about something you don't know the correct answer to.

Support him in his interests, but don't pressure him.

What Are DIY STEM Kits for Kids?

diy stem kits

Let us introduce you to our DIY STEM Kits that are perfect for your little future engineer.

Our products encourage your child's creativity and teach them about engineering, coding, and programming, all while playing and having fun.

Instead of an already constructed toy, our products come in parts with an in-depth guide on assembling them.

Since we were kids who loved such things, it was our duty as adults to create a product that would be perfect for the new generation of engineering-loving kids.

How does this work?

You subscribe to one of our subscription lines:

Wacky Robots is intended for ages 9+ and is a great stepping stone for kids to enter the world of electronics.

STEM Box is intended for ages 11+, allowing children to dive deeper into electronics and coding.

When you subscribe, you get a new project for your little engineer every third month.

If you don't want this kind of subscription, you can check our gift shop and find the perfect gift for your child.

Whatever you choose, know that each of our products is STEM heaven for curious kids who like to make things instead of getting them ready-made.

All signs indicate that your kid is a future engineer; CircuitMess is here to help.

]]> 2022-12-21T12:48:51+01:00 2024-04-22T15:06:35+02:00 11-year-old Addicted to Phone - What Should You Do? Albert Gajšak You noticed long ago that your kid is on the phone all day, and you feel like you can't do anything about it.

Your kid looks at his phone non-stop, plays video games, and hangs out onTikTok.

The logical question is: Is your child addicted to the phone, and what to do about it?

We can tell you right away that it is best to replace any addiction with healthy habits.

If those habits encourage creativity and curiosity and overall have a good effect on your child's development, it's a perfect combination.

Are you already wondering how this is possible and interested in our story?

Let us introduce you to the magical world of STEM and CircuitMess.

In our world, learning is fun, and your kid can be part of it too.

Is Your Kid Addicted to The Smartphone?

Let's first address how serious your situation is.

We know the word addicted may sound too serious since everyone is on their phones these days, but let's look at some numbers.

According to our statistics, screen time dominates kids' play with an incredible 18.6 hours per week.

Screen time kids statistics

As for children of your kid age (11-14 years old), those kids usually spend 9 hours daily on the phone.

Some recommended maximum phone time for that age group would be 2 hours daily.

When you hear these numbers, you certainly don't feel comfortable because you
know that it is an impossible mission for your child to be on a smartphone for only 2 hours a day.

As much as smartphones are a part of our lives (we often feel like they are an
additional part of our bodies), they certainly have some negative consequences,
especially for children in their developing years.

Here are some side effects of excessive smartphone use in children:

• Behavioral problems
• Sleep disturbances
• Social isolation
• Nervousness and anxiety (especially when the phone is not next to them)
• Obesity
• Losing interest in any activity that doesn't include a smartphone

What Should You Do?

You do not want your child to develop these symptoms, or you even recognize some of them in your child's behavior.
Of course, like any good dad who wants only the best for his kid, you want to change that.

You want to spend quality time with your child without him always looking at his

And you also want him to enjoy more activities that don't involve a phone.
The first thing that comes to your mind is to take away the child's phone and forbid its use.

But we'll tell you right away that it's a bad idea unless in the most extreme cases.

Punishing a child for using a smartphone does not lead to any solution.

As your child enters those rebellious teenage years, punishment can lead to counter effects.

Hey, just remember how you wanted to do the opposite of what your parents made you do.

Smartphones should serve neither as a punishment nor as a reward.

First of all, all children use phones; we cannot deny that.

Let's be honest; you also spend too much time checking every notification on your smartphone.

Isn't it hypocritical to ask your child not to do it when you are already doing it?

Finding alternative ways to distract your child from the phone is the best strategy.

Here's what you should do:

• Be a good role model - if you are on the phone non-stop, how can you
expect anything else from him.

• Find creative ways to spend time together - your child may now be an
angry teenager who just wants to be in his room, but that doesn't mean you
can't spend quality time together.

• Bond with your child - commitments and busy life doesn't leave much time
for too many activities, but it's essential to find time to bond with your child.

How to Use Technology to Your Advantage?

diy kits for kids

What if we told you we have a solution for all of the above.

That solution is technology.

You're probably thinking that modern technology is to blame for your child's
smartphone addiction, but we're here to prove otherwise.

The first piece of advice we have to give you is not to be a "technology is bad"

Don't be an old man yelling at the cloud like Abe Simpson, who keeps saying, "Back in my days."

Technology is awesome. It moves the world, brings innovation, and improves our lives.

Just because the pinnacle of technology was the Ps One or Nintendo 64 when you were the same age as your kid now doesn't mean things shouldn't change.

His generation now likes completely different things, which is legitimate, just like you don't like things like your parents.

In addition to following technological trends, you must follow what's cool right now among the younger population to show them that you care.

Children grow up with technology and have a completely different perception.

Technology advances, and what is strange to one generation is entirely normal to the next.

If you remain ignorant, don't expect the problem to be solved.

Ok, we've established that technology isn't bad, and you shouldn't hate it; now what?

Now it remains for us to use it in solving your problem, how to finally get your 11-year-old to reduce the use of smartphones.

Let's introduce you to STEM.

What is STEM, and Why is it So Important?

You've probably heard that term, but let's explain it better. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math.

You must think, those are all school subjects, that's right, but STEM is so much more
than that.

It is a whole way of thinking that develops through these activities.

That way of thinking that is adopted through STEM includes the possibility of
experimenting, analyzing, and applying everything learned.

STEM is not just about strictly scientific work; the point is to develop those skills and apply them in practical life.

We can safely say that STEM drives the whole world around us.

The only thing left is explaining it to your kid, who is more interested in watching TikToks all day.

How Can CircuitMess Help You?

stem box for kids

Are you ready for some creative chaos in your life?

We have explained the importance of STEM, but the only thing left is to package it in a product that will interest children.You know how kids are.

They usually aren't too excited when math or science is mentioned to them.

And your kid is a teenager who is constantly on social media. He'll probably say it's boring, lame, and nerdy.

We are here to prove that technology is not and will never be lame.


Stem Box for ages 11+ is our product that perfectly fits your needs.

This package contains everything you need to encourage your child's creativity.

Electronics and coding but in a fan and exciting way.

Autonomous cars, machine learning, coding, AI name it!

We know that phones have all sorts of cool apps, but when your child makes
something from scratch, it will give him greater satisfaction than when everything is done for him in advance.

Don't be surprised if your kid applies his newfound knowledge and assembles and disassembles smartphones.

Your kid can maybe even invent some new cool app.

That's better than mindlessly scrolling through social media, right?

What Are The Benefits of This Approach to Learning?

The main benefit is that your kid will not even have the feeling of learning because he will learn through play.

Know that STEM education encourages children to feel more confident and to step out of their comfort zone.

Also, STEM education improves academic performance and mental abilities, thus preparing children for further education and life.

The creativity that occurs through the assembly of our products also triggers new interests in children.

And we all know that the world always needs creative people.

Completing a STEM project gives a feeling of excitement, but it also makes it easier to solve real-life problems in the future.

And as for you, this is a great way to spend time with your child.
Teamwork makes the dream work.

STEM encourages teamwork and teaches the child how to get used to working with others.

So that in addition to your child doing something useful for his development, you also spend quality time with him. A perfect combination!

The only drawback of our products is that dads also like to play too much.

Have you seen our upcoming CircuitMess Batmobile?

circuitmess diy batmobile

Batman is always cool. For you as a longtime fan and your kid who is just getting to know how awesome the dark knight is.

So assemble the Batmobile together with your kid and be superheroes together.

How to Get The STEM Box?

For you and your child to become part of the STEM Box community, you can check out our subscription offer here.

Choose your plan, and be surprised with a new and amazing STEM project every three months.

And as for that phone addiction, we believe it will be a part of the past.
There are new and much healthier habits now.

]]> 2022-12-07T12:16:32+01:00 2024-04-10T14:31:17+02:00 Update on Batmobile's casings, test jigs and in-person event! Albert Gajšak Hi everyone,

Here’s a short update on our progress.

All the Batctontroller’s casings have been manufactured.

Here is what they look like:

Also, we are working on the test jigs for Batmobile.

For every device we manufacture, we need to design the quality control process to ensure the goods sent to the customers are working correctly.

That's why we've developed a universal test jig that we just adapt to every new product that we create.

We're using a Raspberry Pi as the main brain behind the test jig and a series of pogo pin probes and hidden test pads on the PCBs to perform the tests.

Here is what the main part of the jigs looks like:

What making jigs look like

Lastly, a weekly reminder that we’re organizing an in-person event in Zagreb, Croatia, in January 2023 (date to be announced, it’s going to be a Saturday).

More information will be provided once we find out how many of you are interested in attending.

Please fill out this Google form and mark if you are interested in coming to the event (takes 30 seconds)

At this event, you will be able to personally pick up your Batmobile order, meet the CircuitMess team, tour our HQ, and spend your Saturday learning about electronics. 🚀

If you want to meet the amazing team behind your Batmobile, fill out the form

Stay tuned for more updates,
Albert and the CM team

]]> 2022-11-29T15:21:45+01:00 2024-04-10T14:31:29+02:00 CircuitMess Batmobile event - January 2023 Albert Gajšak Hello everyone,

First, we’d like to thank you for the understanding and patience you showed us in the last Batmobile update.

We wanted to do something special for you because you have been amazing throughout this journey.

We'd like to invite you to the CircuitMess Batmobile in-person event in Zagreb, Croatia, in January 2023 (date to be announced).

More information will be provided once we check if and how many of you are interested in attending this event.

Please fill out this Google form and mark if you are interested in coming to the event (it will take a 1-minute of your time)

In this event, you will be able to pick up your Batmobile, meet the CircuitMess team, tour our HQ, and spend your Saturday learning about electronics. 🚀

You’ll meet the team
Listen to Albert/Batman talk about electronics
Check our other devices
And see Disneyland for STEM lovers

If you'd like to come, please click yes and leave us your name, surname, and email, as well as the number of people you'd like to bring, so we can plan the event! 😀

Update on Batmobile 🦇

We had to make minor changes to the box and booklet that will come with your Batmobiles.

Warner has given us final approval, and both the boxes and the booklets are now in print.

This is what the final version will look like:

Box - front side
Box - back side

We are getting back to work, ttyl!

Thank you for your support,
Albert and the team

]]> 2022-11-25T00:30:02+01:00 2024-04-10T14:31:40+02:00 Batmobile shipping update - important Albert Gajšak Hi everyone,

As usual, I wanted to update you on our progress with CircuitMess Batmobile’s fulfillment.

====Short version:

We’ve made significant progress since the last update but have come to a hard realization that not all of you might get the Batmobile before Christmas.

I understand that many of you will be disappointed by this news, but I’ve concluded that communicating this openly and honestly was the best way to move forward.

I do not wish to make a promise we cannot keep for each and every one of you and cause Christmas eve disappointment if something goes wrong in the next month before Christmas.

In other words - do not count on CircuitMess Batmobile as a Christmas present.

There is a probability you will get your Batmobile before Christmas, but the supply chains are broken, the logistics and shipping are worse than ever, and our supporters (you guys) come from all over the world.

Due to all of the factors out of our control, we cannot promise a before-Christmas delivery to everyone.

Despite that, we’re working overtime to get all of your Batmobiles manufactured as soon as possible, I’m satisfied with the progress we’ve been making, and we are close to shipping out the first boxes.

====Long version:

The goods news

1. The Batmobile's molds for injection molding are at 50% completion. The supplier is having some difficulties due to peak season, but we will start receiving the first batches of injection-molded plastic casings in the next week or so.

This is what the injection molded parts of the casing will look like

2. We have received most of the critical semiconductors, such as the microcontrollers

The semiconductors being mounted on our pick and place machine for circuitboard assembly

3. All of the critical components have been ordered

4. We received the entire quantity of li-po batteries for the Batmobile and the controller last week - this one was critical due to the Lithium shortage

 All of the LCD displays for the controllers have arrived at our HQ

The LCD displays are transported in these funny-looking trays

6. The controller’s casings are at 80% completion - we’re manufacturing this in-house on our laser cutter

The casings are being cut from two materials - acrylic and PET-G, we're using a machine called the CO2 laser cutter

7. We’ve designed the test jigs for the circuit boards.
The test jigs are used for loading firmware and testing the boards once they’re finished with production.

This is what they usually look like:

This is caled a test jig, we use it for testing the circuit boards before sending them to you

We’re going to have two jigs - one for the car’s board, the other one for the controller’s board:

Batcontroller's test jig PCB
batmobile's Test jig PCB

8. We’ve started manufacturing and assembling the boards for the car’s taillights - these circuit boards have five red LEDs on the back that create the “fire” effect on the exhausts.

9. We’ll soon receive all of the circuit boards needed to start with the assembly. We can assemble the boards fairly quickly - in 7 - 10 days after we receive them.

The bad news

1. We see the logistics and shipping chains worldwide worsening every week.
This is partially caused by the peak season (Black Friday, Christmas) and partially because of the ongoing logistic crisis building up (covid, political tensions, the war).

This is going to get better, especially after Christmas.

But promising a pre-Christmas delivery date to all of our backers right now is impossible.

2. There is one crucial component that we’re still waiting for - the electromotors.

Four motors go into your Batmobile, and we’ve been having a hard time sourcing them.
The suppliers have been citing supply chain issues and the lack of raw materials (steel) for their inability to supply them.
The problem was that no supplier in the world had the whole amount of motors we needed (we’re ordering 14000 motors), and they were giving us lead times of around 40 - 60 days.

We’ve found a reliable supplier and negotiated a 35-day lead time.
This interfered with our plans and is preventing us from shipping the product.

3. We’ve been having trouble with Warner approving the Batmobile’s packaging.

What puzzles me is that getting the approval for the product itself was a straightforward process, but the packaging was a process that took us two months to get approved.

Warner is just doing their best to protect its intellectual property, we understand that, and they’re one of our most valued partners.

But I wish we could’ve gotten the packaging approved earlier.

Apparently, they’re seeing an increased demand for product approvals, and they had internal delays.

The good news is that we have gotten the approval for the packaging today, and we’ve already sent it to the print shop.

We’re almost there, thank you for sticking with us

I understand your disappointment with the news, and I am not happy with the situation.

But simply being unhappy is not going to deliver your Batmobiles.
Therefore, we’ll continue giving our maximum to deliver a truly fantastic product as soon as possible.

Providing hard delivery dates for a product that is being manufactured is a very tough job right now.

The plan remains the same - we’ll start shipping the Batmobile as soon as possible, most likely in December.

We’ll choose the best shipping option to deliver this to your location as quickly as possible.

But, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee Christmas delivery to every one of you.

Thank you for understanding our position, and I’m looking forward to seeing Batmobiles finally delivered to all of you loyal supporters.

This product would not be possible without your support and patience.

I’ll keep writing weekly updates on our progress.


Mia loves working overtime and can't wait to deliver your Batmobiles
Filip and Albert can't wait to see your Batmobiles delivered
Ana can't wait to get back to her normal sleeping schedule
Mario can't wait to deliver your Batmobiles
]]> 2022-11-04T15:08:21+01:00 2024-04-10T14:31:52+02:00 We're almost there - booklets, silicone casings, molds, boxes, trays Albert Gajšak Hello everyone,

We made significant progress in the last week.

First of all, we received final approval for the molds and designs of the Batmobile and Batcontroller, which are currently being manufactured.

Here are a few photos of what the final geometry is going to look like (the paint job is not final).

                                                        Batcontroller silicone controller case

The other thing we are working on is laser-cutting Batmobile’s and Batcontroller’s casings.

And, last but not least - Batmobile’s booklet!

Each kit will include a booklet that will tell you more about Batmobile, its development, features, and CircuitMess.

We completed it and received final approval from Warner, and it’s currently being printed.

Here is a sneak-peak of what it will look like:

We are getting back to laser-cutting and Batmobile production.

Stay tuned for more updates,
 Albert and the CM team

]]> 2022-10-25T14:46:02+02:00 2024-04-10T14:32:03+02:00 Working on BatController’s UI Albert Gajšak Hey everyone,

We received more Batmobile components in the last two weeks, such as the QR code cards that will come with each kit.

BatController’s UI is coming along nicely; here are a few screenshots of what it’s going to look like:

Stay tuned for more updates!

-Albert and the CM team

]]> 2022-10-14T12:35:21+02:00 2024-04-10T14:32:15+02:00 Making progress! Albert Gajšak Hi everyone!

This week we received Batmobile boxes, and now we are assembling this entire pile of boxes.

Also, we finished redesigning the Batmobile controller, and here is the final version:

We love the new look and can’t wait to hear your feedback.

More updates coming soon, so stay tuned!

-Albert and the CM team

]]> 2022-10-07T05:51:36+02:00 2024-04-10T14:32:27+02:00 Product changes and delivery date update Albert Gajšak Hello everyone,

For the past two months, the entire team has been very busy working on the Batmobile,

The ongoing worldwide logistics and semiconductor crisis remains our main fun-generators.

We had to perform some product changes and tweaks; thus, here’s a detailed update on what’s happening.

Batmobile’s controller changes (stronger CPU for the same price)

The initial BatController design ran on an ESP8266 module (single-core CPU with WiFi).

We had to replace it with a stronger CPU - the ESP32.

Unfortunately, during the development of the final firmware version, we concluded that we couldn’t cram all of the software caboodles while still maintaining satisfactory performance.

The initial prototype on Kickstarter didn’t have all of the controller’s software features we had planned, and it was running fine.

Initially, the plan was to include extra software features by doing software optimizations.

It turns out things are not working out the way we planned, and, unfortunately, the device was operating with too much lag after all of the added changes and optimizations.

Therefore, we’ve concluded that the only proper way forward is to swap the ESP8266 for a stronger CPU - a dual-core ESP32.

We’ve already gotten the controller's new version, and the performance is superb.

What’s not superb is that this will raise the overall cost of goods for the device by 7%, but we’ll cover that since making a good product is our #1 priority.

Just a short comparison - ESP8266 vs. ESP32:

  • ESP32: a dual-core processor that runs at 160MHz to 240MHz, whereas the ESP8266 is a single-core processor that runs at 80MHz.
  • The ESP32 includes an extra CPU core, faster Wi-Fi, more GPIOs, and supports Bluetooth 4.2 and Bluetooth low energy

Inventor’s Pack modules

Another change we had to make was to replace the magnetic connectors on the Inventor’s pack modules with nonmagnetic ones.

Unfortunately, due to the component shortage, our supplier gave us a three months+ lead time for the magnetic connectors, which would result in an unacceptable production delay.

We had to make the difficult decision of replacing the connectors with a different non-magnetic model.

However, this change will not affect the module's functionality and will provide you with a fun and exciting learning experience.

This is what the new modules look like:

Overall progress so far

I’m happy to announce that we’ve gotten the final approval for Batmobile’s packaging from Warner.

The boxes are currently being manufactured and we’ll receive them on October 17th.

We’ve settled for a slightly more futuristic box design compared to the initial one shown in the Kickstarter campaign:

Batmobile box render the front side
Batmobile box render back side

Other notable milestones include:

  • We’ve ordered 60% of the electronic and mechanical components needed to build the Batmobile, and we’ll receive them by mid-October. The rest of of the components will be ordered by October 12th, and we’re planning to have everything in our warehouse by the end of October
  • We’ve managed to source all of the Li-Po batteries for the Batmobile and the controller, which proved to be a tricky task due to the shortages
  • We’ve received all of the Bat-merch, such as t-shirts, keychains, etc.:
Batmobile key chain renders

What happens next

We have to finalize the following tasks before shipping the product to your addresses:

  • Order the final PCBs (planned for October 15th)
  • Finalize and polish the firmware (planned for late November)
  • Print out all of the boxes and purchase the rest of the electronic components (by October 15th)
  • Assemble and test the circuit boards and have them delivered to you before Christmas.

The Batmobile’s final casing had to be slightly changed due to a few final requests from Warner:

Covid lockdowns in China and supply chain issues

These are the two main issues we’re facing now that have been messing with our plans for the past year.

The current economic and logistical situation has not made things easy for us. Constant shipping delays and lockdowns in China have made our development process longer and more challenging than anticipated.

New estimated shipping date - end of November / beginning of December

Unfortunately, the shipping date was pushed to the end of November and the beginning of December for all orders.

I understand the situation isn’t ideal with constant delivery pushbacks.

Rest assured that we’re doing everything we can to deliver a truly fantastic product.

I am also aware a lot of you are counting on this as a Christmas gift, and I will do everything in my power to get your Batmobiles delivered to you before Christmas.


We expect to have all the components needed to begin production of the Batmobile by the end of the month, giving us enough time to start shipping the first boxes at the end of November.

We take delays seriously and will continue to work hard to deliver the product to all of you as soon as possible.

Please note that we have paused all of our other projects to deliver the best possible version of Batmobile as soon as possible and that delivering this to your chimneys before Christmas is our #1 priority.

To keep all of you informed, we will make sure to post updates more frequently.

Thank you all for sticking with us and helping us make this amazing project happen.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message - I read and reply to all of the messages I get.

- Albert and the rest of the CM team

]]> 2022-09-30T10:15:51+02:00 2024-04-10T14:32:38+02:00 CircuitPet delivery + change in the STEM Box subscription delivery schedule Albert Gajšak Hi everyone,

CircuitPets are currently being shipped, and you should receive them in the next two weeks.

If you haven’t received a confirmation mail with the tracking link yet, don’t worry; your CircuitPet is on its way, and everyone will receive the mail by the end of the next week.

We changed the shipping order

Another important piece of information is that instead of Clockstar, the next STEM Box you’ll get will be Armstrong.

Why did we change the shipping order?

The main issue we faced during the last year and a half was the ongoing semiconductor shortage and general supply chain problems.

We'd develop a product just to figure out that a critical component such as a processor completely disappeared from the market.

As a solution to this issue, we decided to switch the shipping order while we continue to search for a solution to the chip sourcing issue.

So, Clockstar will be shipped right after Armstrong.

This is the new shipping schedule:

What is Armstrong?

Armstrong is a DIY robotic arm that looks like this:

Armstrong can be programmed to perform different tasks - a perfect help for the upcoming lazy winter days.

With Armstrong, you’ll learn about:


  • Soldering and hardware assembly
  • Robotic arms and industrial automation
  • Reflective color sensors
  •  Microcomputers and other electronic components
  • Coding in C++
  • Controlling servo motors using a microcomputer
  • Embedded programming
  • Coding IFTT tasks

One other cool thing about Armstrong is the ability to connect it to Wheelson and ByteBoi.
You’ll use Wheelson as a super-smart robotic car and ByteBoi as a controller for Wheelson.

The estimated shipping date for Armstrong is in December.

Thank you for your understanding, and keep making!
-Albert and the CM team


]]> 2022-09-22T14:34:02+02:00 2024-04-10T14:32:50+02:00 Get ready to receive your CircuitPet! Albert Gajšak Hi guys,

We started shipping your next STEM Box kits and are working during the weekends and around the clock to deliver the kits to your doorstep as soon as possible. We can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Here's a quick look at what the shipping process looks like :


The excitement is real; get ready to build and code your virtual pet.

Stay tuned for more updates!

- Albert & the CircuitMess team

]]> 2022-09-13T12:34:24+02:00 2024-04-10T14:33:02+02:00 CircuitPet’s hardware and software are finished + the delivery will start in the following week Albert Gajšak Hello everyone,

We've spent the last two weeks producing CircuitPet's PCBs.

Both hardware and software are finished, and the final version looks fantastic!

We've also begun packing your orders, and here's a photo of our warehouse (yes, all of these boxes are CircuitPet kits!).

Also, we are currently working on a Coding guide to assist you in programming all sorts of cool things on your virtual pet.

The good news is that CircuitPet’s delivery will start next week, and you will receive a confirmation email with the tracking number once it is shipped.

Take a look at the fun times we had during CircuitPet’s photoshoot:

And last but not least, the CircuitPet usage guide is finished, and you can check what cool games and features it will have.

Here is a sneak peek:

Stay tuned for more info soon.

You'll soon start receiving your tracking numbers.

As always, thank you for your support, and keep making 👋

-Albert and the CM team

]]> 2022-08-31T16:08:22+02:00 2024-04-10T14:33:15+02:00 Delivery update on CircuitPet + Build and Anatomy guides are online! Albert Gajšak Hi everyone,

We were busy working on CircuitPet’s software this month, and it is finally done!

Here is a sneak peek of what you’ll see once you assemble and turn your CircuitPet on:

As always, we've created a very detailed build guide that will help make the assembly process as fun and easy as possible, and it's now online.

You can find the build guide at the following link:

Also, we prepared an anatomy guide that’ll introduce you to all the components and chips used for making CircuitPet.

Here is the link to the anatomy guide:

Take a look at the assembly process:

  • There’ll be soldering
  • A lot of small components
  • Tricky parts
  • Cool add-ons

Now that you have seen everything, you must wonder, when will you ship my package?

Well, great news! We are in the final stages of producing CircuitPet,

and are starting to pack everything.

We’ll ship your next STEM Box in the following two weeks.

You’ll be informed when the shipping starts - we’ll post an update once again, and you’ll get an email with the tracking link.

Thank you for your support,

Albert and the CM team

]]> 2022-08-11T13:52:02+02:00 2024-04-10T14:33:26+02:00 Working on Inventor's Pack modules Albert Gajšak
Hi everyone,
This week we've started producing the modules you'll get with the Batmobile Inventor's Pack. These modules will allow you to tinker and expand Batmobile's functionalities.
As a quick reminder, these modules include:
  • Temperature & humidity sensor module
  • Flashlight module
  • Gyroscope & accelerometer module
  • Air pressure sensor module
  • Extender module
  • RGB LED grid module

More updates coming soon, so stay tuned.
- Albert & the CircuitMess team
]]> 2022-08-11T13:49:40+02:00 2024-04-10T14:33:37+02:00 Working on CircuitPet's software Albert Gajšak Hi all,

This week we've been hard at work on CircuitPet's software. This has been one of the most fun projects we've worked on so far, and we're super excited for you all to get your hands on it.

With CircuitPet, you'll take care of a robot duck called Duckileo Quackilei and help it stay safe from rusting by playing games and levelling him up. We've pre-loaded 6 mini-games so that you can get straight to business.

Here's a first look at CircuitPet's UI & hardware design:

More updates coming soon, so stay tuned.

- Albert & the CircuitMess team
